
token oraec10556-1-1 oraec10556-1-2 oraec10556-1-3 oraec10556-1-4 oraec10556-1-5 oraec10556-1-6 oraec10556-1-7 oraec10556-1-8 oraec10556-1-9 oraec10556-1-10 oraec10556-1-11 oraec10556-1-12 oraec10556-1-13 oraec10556-1-14
written form sḫpi̯.t rnp,t nb.t nfr.t jni̯.t r pr-ḫrw jm n smr-wꜥ,tj wr-zwn,w jmꜣḫ[,w] [ḫr] [...]
line count [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1] [Z1]
translation herbeiführen, bringen Jahresfestopfer jede/r vollkommen, gut, schön bringen, holen zu, für [idiomatisch] Totenopfer da, dort zu, für, an [Richtung] [Titel] [Titel] Würdiger von jmdm. ausgehend, durch jmdn.
lemma sḫpi̯ rnp.t nb nfr jni̯ r pr.t-ḫrw jm n smr-wꜥ.tj wr-zwn.w jmꜣḫ.w ḫr
AED ID 141990 500284 81660 550034 26870 91900 850238 24640 78870 400142 450207 25090 850795
part of speech verb substantive adjective adjective verb preposition substantive adverb preposition epitheton_title epitheton_title substantive preposition
voice passive
genus feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular
epitheton title title
morphology t-morpheme
inflection infinitive participle
adverb prepositional_adverb
verbal class verb_caus_3-inf verb_3-inf
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: Das Herbeibringen jedes guten Jahresfestopfers, gebracht für das Totenopfer dort für den Einzigen Freund und Oberarzt, dem Versorgten [durch den ... Gott NN ... Seanchuiptah / Hetepeniptah].


Responsible: Stefan Grunert

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License