Textname: Amun von Karnak / Amun von Karnak
Hierarchical Path: Kawa VII→Oberes Bildfeld→Rechte Szene→Amun von Karnak
Date: Taharqa
- MacAdam, M.F. Laming, The Temples of Kawa I. The Inscriptions: Text and Plates, 2 vol., London: Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1949, 41-44, pl. 13-14 [*H,*P,K,Ü].
- PM VII, 187 [Stelae ].
- FHN I, 176-181 [*Tr,K,Ü].
- Ritner, R.K., The Libyan Anarchy. Inscriptions from Egypt´s Third Intermediate Period (Writings from the Ancient World 21), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009, 553-555 (No.164) [Tr,Ü,K].
- Bagh, T., Finds from the Excavations of J. Garstang in Meroe and F. Ll. Griffith in Kawa in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhague: Narayana Press, 2015, 96-99.
Responsible: Silke Grallert
Source: AED-TEI, Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018

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