
token oraec12782-2-1 oraec12782-2-2 oraec12782-2-3 oraec12782-2-4 oraec12782-2-5 oraec12782-2-6 oraec12782-2-7 oraec12782-2-8 oraec12782-2-9 oraec12782-2-10
written form ⸢jy⸣.[n] [Mr,y-Rꜥw] m ⸢6⸣,[n]w =ṯn [Jḫm.w-sk] jri̯.w [gn,t] n Ḫprr
line count [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 6 = 794+2] [P/D ant/W 7 = 795] [P/D ant/W 7 = 795] [P/D ant/W 7 = 795] [P/D ant/W 7 = 795]
translation kommen Meryre (Thronname Pepis I.) als (etwas sein); nämlich (etwas); [identifizierend] [Ordinalzahl in Ziffernschreibung mit Bildungselement -nw] [Suffix Pron. pl.2.c.] Nicht-Untergehender (Zirkumpolarstern) machen Annalen für (jmd.) Chepri
lemma jwi̯ Mr.y-Rꜥw m 2...10000.nw =ṯn Jḫm-sk jri̯ gn.t n Ḫprr
AED ID 21930 400309 64360 600235 10130 30890 851809 167440 78870 500094
part of speech verb entity_name preposition numeral pronoun entity_name verb substantive preposition entity_name
name kings_name artifact_name gods_name
number ordinal
voice active active
genus masculine masculine
pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus plural singular
morphology n-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation participle
verbal class verb_irr verb_3-inf
status st_absolutus

Translation: Merire [ist] als euer Sechster ⸢gekommen⸣, [(ihr) Nicht-Untergehenden], die [die Annalen] für Chepri machen.


Responsible: Doris Topmann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License