
token oraec1412-4-1 oraec1412-4-2 oraec1412-4-3 oraec1412-4-4 oraec1412-4-5 oraec1412-4-6 oraec1412-4-7 oraec1412-4-8 oraec1412-4-9 oraec1412-4-10 oraec1412-4-11 oraec1412-4-12 oraec1412-4-13 oraec1412-4-14 oraec1412-4-15 oraec1412-4-16 oraec1412-4-17 oraec1412-4-18 oraec1412-4-19 oraec1412-4-20 oraec1412-4-21 oraec1412-4-22 oraec1412-4-23 oraec1412-4-24 oraec1412-4-25 oraec1412-4-26 oraec1412-4-27 oraec1412-4-28 oraec1412-4-29 oraec1412-4-30 oraec1412-4-31 oraec1412-4-32 oraec1412-4-33 oraec1412-4-34 oraec1412-4-35 oraec1412-4-36 oraec1412-4-37 oraec1412-4-38 oraec1412-4-39 oraec1412-4-40 oraec1412-4-41 oraec1412-4-42 oraec1412-4-43 oraec1412-4-44 oraec1412-4-45 oraec1412-4-46 oraec1412-4-47 oraec1412-4-48 oraec1412-4-49 oraec1412-4-50
written form wn ⸢ꜥꜣ.du⸣ [...] [Ḥr,w]-⸢jꜣb⸣,t(j) pri̯ =f r =f ⸢jr⸣ [p],⸢t⸣ [...] j⸢z⸣[n].⸢y⸣ ꜥꜣ.du [qbḥ(,w)] [n] Ḥr,w-šzm,t(j) pri̯ =⸢f⸣ ⸢j⸣[r] =[f] [jr] [p,t] [šz]⸢p⸣.[t] [ꜥ] =f jn ⸢Rꜥw⸣ wn ꜥꜣ.du p,t jz[n.y] [ꜥꜣ.du] [qbḥ(,w)] [n] Ḥr,w šꜣ,tj [...] [Ppy] pn pri̯ =f ⸢r⸣ =⸢f⸣ [j]r p,t šzp.t =[f] [jn] [Rꜥw]
line count [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 8] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9] [P/A/S 9]
translation (sich) öffnen Türflügel Östlicher Horus emporsteigen [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] [Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)] [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] zu (lok.) Himmel öffnen Türflügel Wassergebiet (des Himmels) für (jmd.) Horus von Schezemet emporsteigen [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] [Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)] [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] zu (lok.) Himmel ergreifen Arm; Hand [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] durch; seitens (jmds.) Re (sich) öffnen Türflügel Himmel öffnen Türflügel Wassergebiet (des Himmels) für (jmd.) Horus [Beiname des Horus] Pepi dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] emporsteigen [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] [Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)] [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] zu (lok.) Himmel ergreifen Arm; Hand [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] durch; seitens (jmds.) Re
lemma wn ꜥꜣ Ḥr.w-jꜣb.tj pri̯ =f jr =f r p.t jzn ꜥꜣ qbḥ.w n Ḥr.w-šzm.tj pri̯ =f jr =f r p.t šzp =f jn Rꜥw wn ꜥꜣ p.t jzn ꜥꜣ qbḥ.w n Ḥr.w ẖꜣ.tj Ppy pn pri̯ =f jr =f r p.t šzp =f jn Rꜥw
AED ID 46060 34810 401129 60920 10050 28170 10050 91900 58710 31540 34810 160350 78870 854760 60920 10050 28170 10050 91900 58710 157160 34360 10050 26660 400015 46060 34810 58710 31540 34810 160350 78870 107500 122300 400313 59920 60920 10050 28170 10050 91900 58710 157160 34360 10050 26660 400015
part of speech verb substantive entity_name verb pronoun particle pronoun preposition substantive verb substantive substantive preposition entity_name verb pronoun particle pronoun preposition substantive verb substantive pronoun preposition entity_name verb substantive substantive verb substantive substantive preposition entity_name epitheton_title entity_name pronoun verb pronoun particle pronoun preposition substantive verb substantive pronoun preposition entity_name
name gods_name gods_name gods_name gods_name kings_name gods_name
voice active active passive active passive
genus feminine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus dual singular dual singular singular singular dual singular dual singular singular singular
epitheton epith_god
morphology tw-morpheme tw-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation suffixConjugation suffixConjugation suffixConjugation suffixConjugation
particle particle_enclitic particle_enclitic particle_enclitic
verbal class verb_2-lit verb_3-inf verb_3-lit verb_3-inf verb_3-lit verb_2-lit verb_3-lit verb_3-inf verb_3-lit
status st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_pronominalis st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_pronominalis

Translation: Die beiden Türflügel [des Himmels] sind [...] [für] den Östlichen Horus geöffnet worden, damit er also zum Himmel emporsteige [...]; [...], die beiden Türflügel [des Wassergebiets (des Himmels)] sind [für] Horus von Schezemet aufgetan worden, damit er also [zum Himmel] emporsteige und sein [Arm] von Re ⸢ergriffen werde⸣; die beiden Türflügel des Himmels sind geöffnet worden, [die beiden Türflügel des Wassergebiets (des Himmels)] ⸢sind⸣ [für] Horus ... ⸢aufgetan worden⸣ [...]; [...] [für] diesen Pepi, damit er also zum Himmel emporsteige und [sein] Arm [von Re] ergriffen werde.


Responsible: Doris Topmann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License