
token oraec158-4-1 oraec158-4-2 oraec158-4-3 oraec158-4-4 oraec158-4-5 oraec158-4-6 oraec158-4-7 oraec158-4-8 oraec158-4-9 oraec158-4-10 oraec158-4-11 oraec158-4-12 oraec158-4-13 oraec158-4-14 oraec158-4-15 oraec158-4-16 oraec158-4-17 oraec158-4-18 oraec158-4-19 oraec158-4-20 oraec158-4-21 oraec158-4-22 oraec158-4-23 oraec158-4-24 oraec158-4-25 oraec158-4-26 oraec158-4-27 oraec158-4-28 oraec158-4-29 oraec158-4-30 oraec158-4-31 oraec158-4-32 oraec158-4-33 oraec158-4-34 oraec158-4-35 oraec158-4-36 oraec158-4-37 oraec158-4-38 oraec158-4-39 oraec158-4-40 oraec158-4-41 oraec158-4-42 oraec158-4-43 oraec158-4-44 oraec158-4-45 oraec158-4-46 oraec158-4-47 oraec158-4-48 oraec158-4-49 oraec158-4-50 oraec158-4-51 oraec158-4-52 oraec158-4-53 oraec158-4-54 oraec158-4-55 oraec158-4-56 oraec158-4-57 oraec158-4-58 oraec158-4-59 oraec158-4-60 oraec158-4-61 oraec158-4-62 oraec158-4-63 oraec158-4-64 oraec158-4-65 oraec158-4-66 oraec158-4-67 oraec158-4-68 oraec158-4-69 oraec158-4-70 oraec158-4-71 oraec158-4-72 oraec158-4-73 oraec158-4-74 oraec158-4-75 oraec158-4-76 oraec158-4-77 oraec158-4-78 oraec158-4-79 oraec158-4-80 oraec158-4-81 oraec158-4-82 oraec158-4-83 oraec158-4-84 oraec158-4-85 oraec158-4-86 oraec158-4-87 oraec158-4-88 oraec158-4-89 oraec158-4-90 oraec158-4-91 oraec158-4-92 oraec158-4-93 oraec158-4-94 oraec158-4-95 oraec158-4-96 oraec158-4-97 oraec158-4-98 oraec158-4-99 oraec158-4-100 oraec158-4-101 oraec158-4-102 oraec158-4-103 oraec158-4-104 oraec158-4-105 oraec158-4-106 oraec158-4-107 oraec158-4-108 oraec158-4-109 oraec158-4-110 oraec158-4-111 oraec158-4-112 oraec158-4-113 oraec158-4-114 oraec158-4-115 oraec158-4-116 oraec158-4-117 oraec158-4-118 oraec158-4-119 oraec158-4-120 oraec158-4-121 oraec158-4-122 oraec158-4-123 oraec158-4-124 oraec158-4-125 oraec158-4-126 oraec158-4-127 oraec158-4-128 oraec158-4-129 oraec158-4-130 oraec158-4-131 oraec158-4-132 oraec158-4-133 oraec158-4-134 oraec158-4-135 oraec158-4-136 oraec158-4-137 oraec158-4-138 oraec158-4-139 oraec158-4-140 oraec158-4-141 oraec158-4-142 oraec158-4-143
written form ḫft spr tꜣy =j šꜥ,t r =k jw =k ḥr ḏi̯.t grg〈.tw〉 pꜣ jn,w m (j)ḫ,t nb(.t) m jwꜣ.w.pl rnn.pl n[g]ꜣ.pl wnḏ,w(.t).pl gꜣḥs.pl mꜣj,w-ḥḏ{,t} nrꜣ,w njw nꜣy =sn wsḫ(,t).w.pl {mw}〈nꜣ〉y =sn ẖn.pl-jḥ nꜣ⸢y⸣ =⸢sn⸣ kꜣ~rʾ.y.pl m dp,tj ḏr,t nꜣy =sn nf,w(.pl) nꜣy =sn jz,t.pl grg _ r(ʾ)-ꜥ wḏi̯ ⸢nbw⸣ ⸢qn,w⸣ ⸢jri̯⸣ m dd,w(t).pl {wꜣs}〈ḏꜥ〉mw m ⸢j⸣p,t.pl nbw nfr gm.w.pl n ḫꜣs,t m ꜥrf n jns,j ⸢m⸣ ꜣb hꜣb〈nj〉 mḥ,t.w.pl (n) n⸢r⸣w.pl nbsj m ḫmḫm.pl tʾ.pl n nbsj šꜣ~qꜣ~jrʾ~qꜣ~bꜣ.pl mꜥ~y~n~y~ḫj~sꜣ.pl ḥ~qꜣ~qꜣ.pl šs~sꜣ⸢y⸣ mj jnm.pl n ꜣby.pl qmy dd,yw ḫnm,t ḥ~mꜥ~qꜣ.pl j~jrʾ~qꜣ~bꜣ~sꜣ.pl my Mjw gꜣfj ꜣꜥꜥnj šnw.pl n stj 〈ṯꜣw〉.pl ps~sꜣ.pl jri̯~m~j.pl qn,w r-ḥꜣ,t pꜣ jn,w jw nꜣy =sn j~bw~⸢jrʾ~ḏꜣ~⸣jꜣ.pl bꜣk.w m nbw kꜣ~jrʾ~{kꜣ~jrʾ~}tj~bw~jꜣ.pl m s⸮šꜣ?w ẖrj sꜣ~n~rʾ~wꜣ tftf[.tj] ⸢m⸣ ẖpj,t.pl m ꜥꜣ,t.pl nb(.t.pl) tjw~rk.w.pl qꜣy m sḏ.y.pl bhꜣ,t =sn m nbw qꜣy mḥ,t.w.pl nꜣy =sn kꜣ~jrʾ~mꜥ~tj.pl m ṯs,t sḫt nḥs,j.y.pl ꜥšꜣ[.t.pl] n tnw nb
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translation wenn gelangen nach; kommen zu; erreichen [Poss.artikel sg.f.] [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] Brief zu (lok.) [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] [in nicht-initialem Hauptsatz] [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] [mit Infinitiv] veranlassen vorbereiten der [Artikel sg.m.] Tributbringerzug bestehend aus Sache jeder bestehend aus Langhornrind Kalb Langhornrind [ein Kurzhornrind] Gazelle weiße Säbelantilope Steinbock Strauß (Vogel, Struthio camelis) [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] Transportschiff [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] Rinderfähre [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] [ein kleines Boot (Lastschiff)] [Präposition] erster (nach der Reihenfolge); bester Hand [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] Schiffer [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] Mannschaft bereit sein [Präposition] Tätigkeit aussenden; abreisen Gold zahlreich; viele (pl.) fertigen in (der Art) [eine Schale] Weißgold [Präposition] [ein Messgefäß] Gold schön [Produkt] [Genitiv (invariabel)] Bergland in Beutel [Genitiv (invariabel)] hellroter Leinenstoff bestehend aus Elfenbein Ebenholz Feder [Genitiv (invariabel)] Strauß (Vogel, Struthio camelis) Christusdorn [Präposition] [Substantiv] Brot (allg.) [Genitiv (invariabel)] Frucht des Christusdornes [unter Früchten aus Nubien genannt] [ein Holz (aus Nubien)] [eine Frucht] [grüne Fritte als Pigment] bestehend aus Haut (von Mensch und Tier) [Genitiv (invariabel)] Panther (Leopard) Gummi Hämatit, (roter) Ocker Jaspis; [roter Schmuckstein] [ein Halbedelstein (Granat?)] Bergkristall Katze Miu (Ort in Nubien) kleiner Affe (Meerkatze) Pavian [ein Gefäß (als Maß)] für (jmd.) Ocker [eine Pflanze] [Maß für Kraut] Bewohner von Irem zahlreich; viele (pl.) vor (lokal) der [Artikel sg.m.] Tributbringerzug [Umstandskonverter] [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] [Substantiv] bearbeiten mittels; durch (etwas); [instrumental] Gold [Substantiv] [Präposition] [Substantiv] (etwas) haben Haar [e. Bewegungsverb] [Präposition] [Substantiv] [Präposition] Edelstein; wertvolles Material jeder Bewohner von Terek hoch, großgewachsen zusammen mit Lendenschurz Wedel [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] bestehend aus Gold hoch Feder [Poss.artikel pl.c.] [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] [Schmuck nubischer Sklaven] in (der Art) Knoten flechten Südländer; Nubier zahlreich [Genitiv (invariabel)] Zahl jeder
lemma ḫft spr tꜣy= =j šꜥ.t r =k jw =k ḥr rḏi̯ grg pꜣ jn.w m jḫ.t nb m jwꜣ rnn ngꜣ.w wnḏ.w gḥs mꜣ-ḥḏ njꜣ.w njw nꜣy= =sn wsḫ.t nꜣy= =sn ẖn-jḥ nꜣy= =sn kr m tp.tj ḏr.t nꜣy= =sn nf.wj nꜣy= =sn jz.t grg _ rʾ-ꜥ wḏi̯ nbw qn.w jri̯ m dd.wt ḏꜥm m jp.t nbw nfr gm n.j ḫꜣs.t m ꜥrf n.j jns.j m ꜣbw hbnj mḥ.t n.j njw nbs m ḫmḫm n.j nbs šqrqby mynyḫs ḥqq šs.yt m jnm n.j ꜣbj qmy.t dd ḫnm.t ḥmꜣg.t jrqbs mjw.t Mjw gjf jꜥnꜥ šnj n ztj ṯꜣw ps jrm.j qn.w r-ḥꜣ.t pꜣ jn.w jw nꜣy= =sn jbrḏj bꜣk m nbw krtbj m sšꜣw ẖr sr tftf m ḫpj.t m ꜥꜣ.t nb trk.j qꜣ m sḏ.w bhꜣ =sn m nbw qꜣ mḥ.t nꜣy= =sn krm.t m ṯꜣz.t sḫt nḥs.j ꜥšꜣ n.j ṯnw nb
AED ID 116761 132830 550046 10030 152350 91900 10110 21881 10110 107520 851711 854571 851446 27040 64360 30750 81660 64360 22160 95060 89590 47200 168210 66260 79960 80010 550008 10100 49860 550008 10100 123190 550008 10100 165030 64360 170980 184630 550008 10100 83420 550008 10100 31080 854571 850837 600214 52300 81680 161060 851809 64360 181290 182710 64360 24120 81680 550034 860336 850787 114300 64360 39490 850787 27840 64360 63 98180 73500 850787 80010 82810 64360 860337 168810 850787 82810 157840 68410 110630 157140 64360 27420 850787 74 160800 177900 118140 105160 29900 854443 854920 166670 850186 155560 78870 147520 174130 62140 860338 161060 500053 851446 27040 21881 550008 10100 860339 53800 64360 81680 860340 64360 860341 850794 138980 171950 64360 116090 64360 34880 81660 860342 158990 64360 600584 56690 10100 64360 81680 158990 73500 550008 10100 165070 64360 176910 854548 86650 41011 850787 175830 81660
part of speech preposition verb pronoun pronoun substantive preposition pronoun particle pronoun preposition verb verb pronoun substantive preposition substantive adjective preposition substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive pronoun pronoun substantive pronoun pronoun substantive pronoun pronoun substantive preposition adjective substantive pronoun pronoun substantive pronoun pronoun substantive verb preposition substantive verb substantive adjective verb preposition substantive substantive preposition substantive substantive adjective substantive adjective substantive preposition substantive adjective substantive preposition substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive preposition substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive preposition substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive entity_name substantive substantive substantive preposition substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective preposition pronoun substantive particle pronoun pronoun substantive verb preposition substantive substantive preposition substantive preposition substantive verb preposition substantive preposition substantive adjective substantive adjective preposition substantive substantive pronoun preposition substantive adjective substantive pronoun pronoun substantive preposition substantive verb substantive adjective adjective substantive adjective
name place_name
voice active passive active passive passive
genus feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine
pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular plural plural plural plural plural plural plural plural plural plural plural singular plural plural plural singular singular singular singular plural singular plural singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular plural plural singular plural plural singular plural plural plural singular plural plural singular singular singular plural plural plural plural plural plural singular plural plural singular plural singular singular plural singular plural singular singular plural plural plural plural plural plural plural plural singular plural plural plural plural plural plural plural singular singular
morphology t-morpheme tw-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation infinitive suffixConjugation participle infinitive participle pseudoParticiple pseudoParticiple participle
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_3-lit verb_irr verb_3-lit verb_3-lit verb_3-inf verb_3-inf verb_3-lit verb_4-lit verb_3-lit
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_pronominalis st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: Wenn mein Schreiben zu dir kommt, sollst du veranlassen, dass der Tribut(bringerzug) vorbereitet 〈wird〉, bestehend aus jeder Sache, (also) aus $jwꜣ$-Rindern, Kälbchen von $ngꜣ$-Rindern, $wnḏ.wt$-Rindern, Gazellen, Säbelantilope(n), Steinböck(en), Strauß(en) - deren Transportschiffe, deren Rinderfähren (und) deren Lastkähne sind ... (?); deren Schiffer und deren Besatzungen sind bereit 〈für〉 die Fahrt -, (und aus) viel Gold in Form von Schalen, oipeweise Weißgold, gutem Gold, ... vom Bergland (?) in roten Leinenstoffbeuteln, aus Elfenbein, Eb〈en〉holz, Straußenfedern, Christusdornfrüchten, aus $ḫmḫm$, Christusdornbroten, $šqrqb$-Früchten, $mynḫs$-Holz, $ḥqq$-Früchten, grüner Fritte, aus Pantherfellen, Gummi, rotem Ocker, rotem Jaspis, $ḥmꜣg.t$-Edelsteinen, Bergkristall, Katze(n) von Miu, Meerkatze(n), Pavian(en), $šnj$-Töpfen mit/für Ocker, Palmwedeln in $ps$-Packen, zahlreichen Bewohnern von Irem an der Spitze der Tribut(bringer), deren $jbrḏ$ mit Gold versehen sind, die $krtb$ sind ... mit Tierhaar (?), loseilend (?) mit $ḫpj.t$-Hölzern und mit allerlei Edelsteinen, (aus) großgewachsenen $trk$-Leuten mit Schurzen und ihren goldenen Fächern, mit hohen Federn, ihrem $krmt$-Schmuck mit geflochtenen Knoten, (sowie aus) vielen Südländern von jeglicher Zahl.


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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