oraec17 - text statistics

Text: oraec17


Text length: 8677 tokens with 290 types/characters

10 most frequent signs: 𓈖,𓏏,𓅱,𓀀,𓂋,𓏤,𓅓,𓇋,𓆑,𓏥

50 % Inequality metrics: 50 % tokens with 3.793103448275862 % types (i.e. 11 characters)

80 % Inequality metrics: 80 % tokens with 13.793103448275861 % types (i.e. 40 characters)

90 % Inequality metrics: 90 % tokens with 30.0 % types (i.e. 87 characters)

95 % Inequality metrics: 95 % tokens with 47.58620689655172 % types (i.e. 138 characters)

Source: ORAEC

This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal

Type Token

Text length: 3178 tokens/words with 825 types/different words

10 most frequent signs:

TTR: 0.25959723096286974
TTR, bilogarithmic: 0.8327600778727545
Hintze's S*: 4.925963295766788

Source: ORAEC

This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal