token | oraec2206-11-1 | oraec2206-11-2 | oraec2206-11-3 | oraec2206-11-4 | oraec2206-11-5 | oraec2206-11-6 | oraec2206-11-7 | oraec2206-11-8 | oraec2206-11-9 | ← |
written form | n(,j) | kw | Ppy | ⸢nṯr⸣ | pw | ḏd.n | zꜣ,[t].du | [(J)tm(,w)] | [...] | ← |
hiero | ← | |||||||||
line count | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | [P/F/Se 5] | ← | |
translation | gehörig zu (Gebrauch außerhalb des Genitivs, possessiv) | dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.] | Pepi | Gott | dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] | sagen | die beiden Kindchen (meist Schu und Tefnut) | Atum | ← | |
lemma | n.j | kw | Ppy | nṯr | pw | ḏd | zꜣ.tj | Jtm.w | ← | |
AED ID | 850787 | 163890 | 400313 | 90260 | 851517 | 185810 | 125650 | 33040 | ← | |
part of speech | adjective | pronoun | entity_name | substantive | pronoun | verb | substantive | entity_name | ← | |
name | kings_name | gods_name | ← | |||||||
number | ← | |||||||||
voice | ← | |||||||||
genus | masculine | masculine | ← | |||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | ← | |||||||
numerus | singular | singular | dual | ← | ||||||
epitheton | ← | |||||||||
morphology | ← | |||||||||
inflection | relativeform | ← | ||||||||
adjective | nisbe_adjective_preposition | ← | ||||||||
particle | ← | |||||||||
adverb | ← | |||||||||
verbal class | verb_2-lit | ← | ||||||||
status | st_constructus | st_absolutus | st_constructus | ← |
Translation: Du gehörst, Pepi, zu jenem Gott, von dem die beiden Kindchen [des Atum] sagten: "...".
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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