
token oraec2320-1-1 oraec2320-1-2 oraec2320-1-3 oraec2320-1-4 oraec2320-1-5 oraec2320-1-6 oraec2320-1-7 oraec2320-1-8 oraec2320-1-9 oraec2320-1-10 oraec2320-1-11 oraec2320-1-12 oraec2320-1-13 oraec2320-1-14 oraec2320-1-15 oraec2320-1-16 oraec2320-1-17 oraec2320-1-18 oraec2320-1-19 oraec2320-1-20 oraec2320-1-21 oraec2320-1-22 oraec2320-1-23 oraec2320-1-24 oraec2320-1-25 oraec2320-1-26 oraec2320-1-27 oraec2320-1-28 oraec2320-1-29 oraec2320-1-30 oraec2320-1-31 oraec2320-1-32 oraec2320-1-33 oraec2320-1-34 oraec2320-1-35 oraec2320-1-36 oraec2320-1-37 oraec2320-1-38 oraec2320-1-39 oraec2320-1-40 oraec2320-1-41 oraec2320-1-42 oraec2320-1-43 oraec2320-1-44 oraec2320-1-45 oraec2320-1-46 oraec2320-1-47 oraec2320-1-48 oraec2320-1-49 oraec2320-1-50 oraec2320-1-51 oraec2320-1-52 oraec2320-1-53 oraec2320-1-54 oraec2320-1-55 oraec2320-1-56 oraec2320-1-57 oraec2320-1-58 oraec2320-1-59 oraec2320-1-60 oraec2320-1-61
written form z(ꜣ)ṯ 1 ⸢s⸣nṯr sḏ(,t) 1 ⸢sṯi̯⸣-ḥꜣb 1 [ḥ]⸢k⸣n,w 1 [s]⸢fṯ⸣ 1 [nẖn]m 1 [t]⸢wꜣ⸣[,wt] 1 ḥꜣ,tt ꜥ{ṯ}〈š〉 1 〈〈ḥꜣ,tt〉〉 ṯḥn,w 1 ꜥrf.wj wꜣḏ,w 1 〈〈ꜥrf.wj〉〉 msd(m),t 1 wnḫ(,wj) 2 snṯr sḏ,t 1 qbḥ(,w) ṯꜣ.du 2 ḫꜣw,t 1 ḥtp-〈nsw〉t{tn} 2 ḥtp-〈〈nswt〉〉 jm(,j) wsḫ(,t) 2 ḥmsi̯ 1 šns jꜥ,w-rʾ 1 ḏwj,w 〈〈jꜥw-rʾ〉〉 1 [tʾ]-w[t] 1 tʾ-rtḥ 1 nms,t ḏsr,t 1 〈〈nms,t〉〉 ḥ(n)q,t 1
line count [1⁝1] [1⁝1] [1⁝2] [1⁝2] [1⁝2] [1⁝3] [1⁝3] [1⁝4] [1⁝4] [1⁝5] [1⁝5] [1⁝6] [1⁝6] [1⁝7] [1⁝7] [1⁝8/9] [1⁝8] [1⁝8] [1⁝8/9] [1⁝9] [1⁝9] [1⁝10/11] [1⁝10] [1⁝10] [1⁝10/11] [1⁝11] [1⁝11] [1⁝12] [1⁝12] [1⁝13] [1⁝13] [1⁝13] [1⁝14] [1⁝14] [1⁝14] [1⁝15] [1⁝15] [1⁝16] [1⁝16] [1⁝17] [1⁝17] [1⁝17] [1⁝17] [1⁝18] [1⁝18] [1⁝19] [1⁝19/20] [1⁝19/20] [1⁝20] [1⁝19/20] [1⁝19/20] [1⁝21] [1⁝21] [1⁝22] [1⁝22] [1⁝23/24] [1⁝23] [1⁝23] [1⁝23/24] [1⁝24] [1⁝24]
translation Libation [Zahl/Q] Weihrauch Feuer, Flamme [Zahl/Q] Festduft(öl) [Zahl/Q] [eines der sieben heilige Öle] [Zahl/Q] [eines der sieben heilige Öle] [Zahl/Q] [eines der sieben heilige Öle] [Zahl/Q] [eines der sieben heilige Öle] [Zahl/Q] das Beste (für zwei der sieben heiligen Öle) Öl (von Koniferen) [Zahl/Q] das Beste (für zwei der sieben heiligen Öle) libysches Öl [Zahl/Q] Beutel grüne Schminke [Zahl/Q] Beutel schwarze Augenschminke [Zahl/Q] [Zeugstreifen (paarweise)] [Zahl/Q] Weihrauch Feuer, Flamme [Zahl/Q] Wasser, Wasserspende Kügelchen [Zahl/Q] Opferplatte [Zahl/Q] Königsopfer [Zahl/Q] Königsopfer befindlich in, zugehörig Halle, Hof; Raum [Zahl/Q] sitzen, sich setzen [Zahl/Q] [Gebäckart] Frühstück [Zahl/Q] [Krug aus Ton] Frühstück [Zahl/Q] [Brotart] [Zahl/Q] [Brotart] [Zahl/Q] Krug [ein Bier (aus der Djeseret-Pflanze?)] [Zahl/Q] Krug Bier [Zahl/Q]
lemma zꜣṯ 1...n snṯr sḏ.t 1...n sṯj-ḥꜣb 1...n ḥkn.w 1...n sfṯ 1...n nẖnm 1...n twꜣ.wt 1...n ḥꜣ.tjt ꜥš 1...n ḥꜣ.tjt ṯḥn.w 1...n ꜥrf wꜣḏ.w 1...n ꜥrf msdm.t 1...n wnḫ.wj 1...n snṯr sḏ.t 1...n qbḥ.w ṯꜣ 1...n ḫꜣw.t 1...n ḥtp-nswt 1...n ḥtp-nswt jm.j wsḫ.t 1...n ḥmsi̯ 1...n šns jꜥ.w-rʾ 1...n ḏwj.w jꜥ.w-rʾ 1...n tʾ-wt 1...n tʾ-rtḥ 1...n nms.t ḏsr.t 1...n nms.t ḥnq.t 1...n
AED ID 127620 850814 138670 150140 850814 149100 850814 110870 850814 133990 850814 87760 850814 170270 850814 100440 450173 850814 100440 450468 850814 39490 43910 850814 39490 76190 850814 47000 850814 138670 150140 850814 160330 173960 850814 113720 850814 850892 850814 850892 25130 49870 850814 105780 850814 156230 21640 850814 183020 21640 850814 450201 850814 169210 850814 84450 185590 850814 84450 110300 850814
part of speech substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive adjective substantive numeral verb numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral
number cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal
genus masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular dual singular dual singular singular singular singular singular dual singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular
inflection imperative
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_4-inf
status st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus

Translation: 1 Wasserspende, 1 (mal) Weihrauchfeuer, 1 (mal) Festduftöl., 1 (mal) Hekenu-Öl, 1 (mal) Sefetj-Öl, 1 (mal) Nechenem-Öl, 1 (mal) Tewaut-Öl, 1 (mal) Bestes des Koniferen-Öls, 1 (mal) Bestes des Tjechenu-Öls, 1 Beutelpaar grüner Augenschminke, 1 Beutelpaar schwarzer Augenschminke, 2 Zeugstreifenpaare, 1 Weihrauchfeuer, 2 Wasser(duft)kügelchen, 1 Opferplatte, 2 Königsopfer, 2 Opfer im Hof, 1 (mal) hinsetzen, 1 Schenes-Gebäck des Frühstücks, 1 Djuju-Krug des Frühstücks, 1 Wet-Brot, 1 Retech-Brot, 1 Krug Djeseret-Getränk, 1 Krug für Chenemes-Bier;


Responsible: Stefan Grunert

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License