oraec2645 - text statistics
Text: oraec2645
No freely licensed digital edition with hieroglyphics available.
Type Token
Text length: 17 tokens/words with 17 types/different words
10 most frequent signs:
- =j, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" (AED link: 10030): 1 times
- ḥr.j-pḏ.t, "Truppenoberst" (AED link: 108660): 1 times
- spr, "gelangen nach; kommen zu; erreichen" (AED link: 132830): 1 times
- šꜥ.t, "Schriftstück; Brief; Buch" (AED link: 152350): 1 times
- ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb, "lebend, heil, gesund (Abkürzung: l.h.g.)" (AED link: 400004): 1 times
- jm.j-rʾ-mšꜥ, "Vorsteher der Expedition; Vorsteher des Heeres" (AED link: 400043): 1 times
- wnn, "existieren; sein" (AED link: 46050): 1 times
- tꜣy=, "[Poss.artikel sg.f.]" (AED link: 550046): 1 times
- Pꜣ-ꜥnḫ, "Pa-anch" (AED link: 600127): 1 times
- pr-ꜥꜣ, "Palast; Pharao ("großes Haus")" (AED link: 60430): 1 times
TTR: 1.0
TTR, bilogarithmic: 1.0
Hintze's S*: 0.0
Source: ORAEC
This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal