oraec2654 - text statistics
Text: oraec2654
No freely licensed digital edition with hieroglyphics available.
Type Token
Text length: 156 tokens/words with 83 types/different words
10 most frequent signs:
- 1...n, "[Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung]" (AED link: 850814): 52 times
- ꜥ, "Portion; Stück" (AED link: 34360): 14 times
- nb, "jeder; alle; irgendein" (AED link: 81660): 4 times
- ḥꜣ.t, "Vorderseite; Anfang; Bestes; Spitze" (AED link: 100310): 2 times
- ḥbnn.wt, "[ein Brot]" (AED link: 103710): 2 times
- ḥnq.t, "Bier" (AED link: 110300): 2 times
- ḫnf.w, "[ein Kuchen]" (AED link: 118020): 2 times
- ḏsr.t, "[ein Bier (aus der Djeseret-Pflanze?)]" (AED link: 185590): 2 times
- jrp, "Wein (Getränk)" (AED link: 29740): 2 times
- =k, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.]" (AED link: 10110): 1 times
TTR: 0.532051282051282
TTR, bilogarithmic: 0.8750428925998964
Hintze's S*: 6.872630799448781
Source: ORAEC
This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal