oraec301 - text statistics
Text: oraec301
No freely licensed digital edition with hieroglyphics available.
Type Token
Text length: 86 tokens/words with 47 types/different words
10 most frequent signs:
- =k, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.]" (AED link: 10110): 8 times
- n, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 78870): 5 times
- mꜣꜥ-ḫrw, "Gerechtfertigter (der selige Tote)" (AED link: 66750): 4 times
- n.j, "gehörig zu" (AED link: 850787): 4 times
- jꜣ.w, "Lobpreis" (AED link: 20360): 3 times
- Pr-Jmn, "Haus des Amun (Tempel)" (AED link: 600156): 3 times
- m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360): 3 times
- nb-Wꜣs.t, "Herr von Theben (Month, u.a.)" (AED link: 850777): 3 times
- ḥr.j-zꜣ, "Phylenleiter" (AED link: 851038): 3 times
- zꜣ, "Sohn; Enkel" (AED link: 125510): 2 times
TTR: 0.5465116279069767
TTR, bilogarithmic: 0.8643572998783383
Hintze's S*: 7.330334263510335
Source: ORAEC
This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal