
token oraec3763-6-1 oraec3763-6-2 oraec3763-6-3 oraec3763-6-4 oraec3763-6-5 oraec3763-6-6 oraec3763-6-7 oraec3763-6-8 oraec3763-6-9 oraec3763-6-10
written form šdi̯.n [sw] [mʾw,t] =[f] [Bꜣs,tt] j:snḫ.n sw ḥr[.t-jb] [Nḫb] [...]
line count [N/A/S fgt 4, 6] [N/A/S fgt 4, 6] [N/A/S fgt 4, 6] [N/A/S fgt 4, 6] [N/A/S fgt 4, 6] [N/A/S fgt G, 3] [N/A/S fgt G, 3] [N/A/S fgt G, 3] [N/A/S fgt G, 3]
translation säugen; aufziehen ihn [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.m.] Mutter [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] Bastet (Kind) aufziehen ihn [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.m.] befindlich in; wohnend in (attributiv) Elkab
lemma šdi̯ sw mw.t =f Bꜣs.tjt snḫ sw ḥr.j-jb Nḫb
AED ID 854561 129490 69040 10050 53640 137930 129490 108540 87080
part of speech verb pronoun substantive pronoun entity_name verb pronoun adjective entity_name
name gods_name place_name
voice active active
genus feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular
morphology n-morpheme n-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation suffixConjugation
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_3-inf verb_caus_2-lit
status st_pronominalis

Translation: [Seine Mutter Bastet] hat [ihn] genährt/gestillt, die [in Elkab] Wohnende hat ihn aufgezogen, [...].


Responsible: Doris Topmann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License