Textname: Qadesch-Schlacht Poem (Rf-S) / pLouvre E 4892 + pBM 10181 (pRaifé + pSallier III)
Hierarchical Path: 〈Historisch-rhetorische Königstexte (19. Dynastie)〉→〈Memphitischer Raum〉→pLouvre E 4892 + pBM 10181 (pRaifé + pSallier III)→Qadesch-Schlacht Poem (Rf-S)
Date: Ramses II.–Merenptah
Findspot: Memphis
Object: Schriftrolle
Location: Musée du Louvre
Inv. No.: E 4892 = N 4994
- KRI II, 2-101 [H,K]; KRITA II, 2-14 [Ü,K]; KRITANC II, 3-54 [K]
- Birch, S./Hawkins, E. Select Papyri in the Hieratic Character from the Collections of the British Museum, Part I, Fasc. 1: Sallier Papyri, London 1841, pl. 24-34 [F]
- Budge, E.A.W., Facsimiles of Egyptian Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum, 2nd series, Lonodn 1923, pl. 77-87 [P]
- Kuentz, C., La Bataille de Qadech (MIFAO 55), Cairo 1928-34, 199f. [P,H,Ü,K]
- Hassan, S., Le Poème dit de Pentaour et le rapport officiel sur la bataille de Qadesh, Cairo 1929 [H]
- Möller, G., Hieratische Paläographie II, Leipzig 1909, Taf. 5 [P]
- Davies, Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Nineteenth Dynasty (Documenta Mundi Aegyptiaca 2), Jonsered 1997, 55-85 [Tr,Ü,K]
- Gardiner, A.H., The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II, Oxford 1960 [Ü,K]
- Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. II, Jerusalem 1976, 57-72 [Ü,K]
- Von der Way, T., Die Textüberlieferung Ramses' II. zur Qades-Schlacht (HÄB 22), Hildesheim 1984, 286-337 [Tr,Ü,K]
- Morschauser, S., Observations on the Speeches of Ramesses II in the Literary Record of the Battle of Kadesh, in: Goedicke, H. (ed.), Perspectives on the Battle of Kadesh, Baltimore 1985, 123-206 [K]
- Faulkner, R.O., in: MDAIK 16 (1958), 100-111 [Ü]
- Spalinger, A.J., The Transformation of an Ancient Egyptian Narrative: P.Sallier III and the Battle of Kadesh (GOF IV.40), Wiesbaden 2002 [K]
- Bellion, M., Catalogue des manuscrits hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques et des dessins, sur papyrus, cuir ou tissu, publies ou signales, Paris 1987, 255, 358f.
Responsible: Silke Grallert
Source: AED-TEI, Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018

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