
token oraec525-23-1 oraec525-23-2 oraec525-23-3 oraec525-23-4 oraec525-23-5 oraec525-23-6 oraec525-23-7 oraec525-23-8 oraec525-23-9 oraec525-23-10 oraec525-23-11 oraec525-23-12 oraec525-23-13 oraec525-23-14 oraec525-23-15 oraec525-23-16
written form ꜥq.n =j ḥr =[s] jw =(j) m sḏ,tj stw〈t〉.n [...] swti̯.n sr.pl [...] wr.pl jri̯.t.n =j
line count [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12]
translation betreten [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] [Präposition] [Suffix Pron.sg.3.f.] [zur Satzmarkierung und in komplexen Verbformen] [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] [identifizierend] Kind; Zögling (etwas) rühmen, erzählen (von) groß machen hoher Beamter der Große machen [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]
lemma ꜥq =j ḥr =s jw =j m sḏ.tj stwt swti̯ sr wr jri̯ =j
AED ID 41180 10030 107520 10090 21881 10030 64360 150150 147980 130860 138920 47280 851809 10030
part of speech verb pronoun preposition pronoun particle pronoun preposition substantive verb verb substantive substantive verb pronoun
voice active active active
genus masculine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular plural plural singular
morphology n-morpheme n-morpheme n-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation suffixConjugation suffixConjugation relativeform
verbal class verb_2-lit verb_caus_3-lit verb_caus_3-inf verb_3-inf
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: I made myself familiar with [it], while I was still a foster-child whose deeds the officials praised.


Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License