oraec7882 - text statistics
Text: oraec7882
No freely licensed digital edition with hieroglyphics available.
Type Token
Text length: 25 tokens/words with 23 types/different words
10 most frequent signs:
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050): 3 times
- ḥꜣ.t, "Vorderseite; Anfang; Bestes; Spitze" (AED link: 100310): 1 times
- ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ, "Hatia (Rangtitel); Bürgermeister" (AED link: 100520): 1 times
- ḫnt.j-zḥ-nṯr, "der vor der Gotteshalle ist (Anubis, Osiris)" (AED link: 119260): 1 times
- ẖ.t, "Leib; Bauch; Art; Weise" (AED link: 122080): 1 times
- zꜣ, "Sohn; Enkel" (AED link: 125510): 1 times
- sfṯ, "[eines der sieben heiligen Öle]" (AED link: 133990): 1 times
- sm, "Sem-Priester" (AED link: 134020): 1 times
- sms.w, "ältester; älterer" (AED link: 135720): 1 times
- sḫpi̯, "herbeiführen; bringen" (AED link: 141990): 1 times
TTR: 0.92
TTR, bilogarithmic: 0.97409604673319
Hintze's S*: 1.7391304347826078
Source: ORAEC
This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal