
token oraec9012-6-1 oraec9012-6-2 oraec9012-6-3 oraec9012-6-4 oraec9012-6-5 oraec9012-6-6 oraec9012-6-7 oraec9012-6-8 oraec9012-6-9 oraec9012-6-10 oraec9012-6-11 oraec9012-6-12 oraec9012-6-13 oraec9012-6-14 oraec9012-6-15 oraec9012-6-16 oraec9012-6-17 oraec9012-6-18 oraec9012-6-19 oraec9012-6-20 oraec9012-6-21
written form [...] ḥr rḏi̯.t šdi̯.t(w) nꜣ-n jnr.pl [m] [...] zꜣt 2 jni̯.t.n =f m [...] rḏi̯.t šdi̯.t nn rdi̯.t sjnn(!) =f ꜥꜣ
line count [x+4] [x+4] [x+4] [x+4] [x+4] [x+4] [x+5] [x+5] [x+5] [x+5] [x+5] [x+6] [x+6] [x+6] [x+6] [x+6] [x+6] [x+6]
translation [mit Inf./gramm.] veranlassen nehmen [pron. dem. pl.] Stein [Präposition] Fußbodenplatten (Fußboden) [Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung] bringen er [Präposition] veranlassen nehmen [Negationswort] veranlassen warten er hier
lemma ḥr rḏi̯ šdi̯ nꜣ-n jnr m zꜣṯ.w 1...n jni̯ =f m rḏi̯ šdi̯ nn rḏi̯ sjni̯ =f ꜥꜣ
AED ID 107520 851711 854561 852471 27560 64360 127650 850814 26870 10050 64360 851711 854561 851961 851711 128360 10050 34790
part of speech preposition verb verb pronoun substantive preposition substantive numeral verb pronoun preposition verb verb particle verb verb pronoun adverb
number cardinal
voice passive passive active
genus masculine feminine
pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus plural singular dual
morphology t-morpheme tw-morpheme t-morpheme tw-morpheme t-morpheme geminated
inflection infinitive suffixConjugation relativeform infinitive suffixConjugation infinitive suffixConjugation
verbal class verb_irr verb_3-inf verb_3-inf verb_irr verb_3-inf verb_irr verb_caus_3-inf
status st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: ... diese Steine nehmen lassen [nach/von] ... (und) die zwei Fußbodensteine, die er brachte nach ... (und sie) übernehmen zu lassen, ohne zuzulassen, daß er hier wartet.


Responsible: Ingelore Hafemann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License