List of all collocations of Sbk-ḥtp.w-nḫn, "Sobek-hetepu, der Jüngere" (850692)

Statistical overview

Number of occurrences: 2
Number of collocation partners: 4
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:

Alphabetical overview

Sorted by frequency

jm.j-rʾ-jꜥꜣ.w, "Vorsteher der fremdsprachigen Truppe" (AED link: 400011) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec7455-1, oraec7456-1

šps.w-nswt, "Vornehmer des Königs" (AED link: 400432) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec7455-1, oraec7456-1

dwḏw, "Mehl" (AED link: 450193) - 1 Cooccurrence


sẖ.t, "[eine Körnerfrucht]" (AED link: 143330) - 1 Cooccurrence
