List of all collocations of ḥr.j-sštꜣ-n-mdw.w-štꜣ.w, "Hüter des Geheimnisses der geheimen Worte" (850880)

Statistical overview

Number of occurrences: 2
Number of collocation partners: 5
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:

Alphabetical overview

Sorted by frequency

zꜣb-ꜥḏ-mr, "Senior-Verwalter der Provinz" (AED link: 401115) - 4 Cooccurrences

oraec4819-1, oraec4819-1, oraec4820-1, oraec4820-1

wḏ-mdw-mꜣꜥ-n-ḥr.jw-wḏb.w, "wirklicher Befehlshaber der Leiter der Zuwendungen" (AED link: 850021) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec4819-1, oraec4820-1

ḥm-nṯr-Mꜣꜥ.t, "Priester der Maat" (AED link: 850020) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec4819-1, oraec4820-1

jwn-knm.wt, "Stütze der Kenmut (Leopardenfell-Leute?)" (AED link: 450603) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec4819-1, oraec4820-1

Sḫm-ꜥnḫ-Ptḥ, "Sechem-anch-Ptah" (AED link: 707015) - 2 Cooccurrences

oraec4819-1, oraec4820-1