List of all collocations of ḏ-snḏ=f-m-ẖꜣk.w-jb, "der die Furcht vor sich unter den Verschwörern verbreitet (Osiris)" (853357)

Statistical overview

Number of occurrences: 5
Number of collocation partners: 2
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:

Alphabetical overview

Sorted by frequency

j, "oh!; [Interjektion]" (AED link: 20030) - 5 Cooccurrences

oraec97-88, oraec60-90, oraec78-88, oraec153-58, oraec79-88

mj, "komm!; kommt!" (AED link: 67770) - 1 Cooccurrence
