token | oraec1547-2-1 | oraec1547-2-2 | oraec1547-2-3 | oraec1547-2-4 | oraec1547-2-5 | oraec1547-2-6 | oraec1547-2-7 | oraec1547-2-8 | oraec1547-2-9 | ← |
written form | [ḥwi̯] | [tꜣ] | [wḏꜥ] | [r(w)d] | [wn] | [dš]r,t | Rꜥw | wdj | mꜣq,t | ← |
hiero | ← | |||||||||
line count | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | [P/D ant/E 43] | ← |
translation | schlagen | Erde | (ab)trennen | Treppe | (sich) öffnen | Röte | Re | setzen | Leiter | ← |
lemma | ḥwi̯ | tꜣ | wḏꜥ | rwd | wn | dšr.t | Rꜥw | wdi̯ | mꜣq.t | ← |
AED ID | 854530 | 854573 | 52360 | 93730 | 46060 | 857575 | 400015 | 854503 | 67450 | ← |
part of speech | verb | substantive | verb | substantive | verb | substantive | entity_name | verb | substantive | ← |
name | gods_name | ← | ||||||||
number | ← | |||||||||
voice | passive | passive | passive | passive | ← | |||||
genus | masculine | masculine | feminine | ← | ||||||
pronoun | ← | |||||||||
numerus | singular | singular | singular | singular | ← | |||||
epitheton | ← | |||||||||
morphology | ← | |||||||||
inflection | suffixConjugation | suffixConjugation | suffixConjugation | suffixConjugation | ← | |||||
adjective | ← | |||||||||
particle | ← | |||||||||
adverb | ← | |||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | verb_3-lit | verb_2-lit | verb_irr | ← | |||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_constructus | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: [Die Erde ist geschlagen worden, die Treppe ist abgetrennt worden], die Röte des Re [ist geöffnet] worden, die Leiter ist plaziert worden.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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