
token oraec2473-2-1 oraec2473-2-2 oraec2473-2-3 oraec2473-2-4 oraec2473-2-5 oraec2473-2-6 oraec2473-2-7 oraec2473-2-8 oraec2473-2-9 oraec2473-2-10 oraec2473-2-11 oraec2473-2-12 oraec2473-2-13 oraec2473-2-14 oraec2473-2-15 oraec2473-2-16 oraec2473-2-17 oraec2473-2-18 oraec2473-2-19 oraec2473-2-20 oraec2473-2-21 oraec2473-2-22 oraec2473-2-23 oraec2473-2-24 oraec2473-2-25 oraec2473-2-26 oraec2473-2-27 oraec2473-2-28 oraec2473-2-29 oraec2473-2-30 oraec2473-2-31 oraec2473-2-32 oraec2473-2-33 oraec2473-2-34 oraec2473-2-35 oraec2473-2-36 oraec2473-2-37 oraec2473-2-38 oraec2473-2-39 oraec2473-2-40 oraec2473-2-41 oraec2473-2-42 oraec2473-2-43 oraec2473-2-44 oraec2473-2-45 oraec2473-2-46 oraec2473-2-47 oraec2473-2-48 oraec2473-2-49 oraec2473-2-50 oraec2473-2-51 oraec2473-2-52 oraec2473-2-53 oraec2473-2-54 oraec2473-2-55 oraec2473-2-56 oraec2473-2-57 oraec2473-2-58 oraec2473-2-59 oraec2473-2-60 oraec2473-2-61 oraec2473-2-62 oraec2473-2-63 oraec2473-2-64 oraec2473-2-65 oraec2473-2-66 oraec2473-2-67 oraec2473-2-68 oraec2473-2-69 oraec2473-2-70 oraec2473-2-71 oraec2473-2-72 oraec2473-2-73 oraec2473-2-74 oraec2473-2-75 oraec2473-2-76 oraec2473-2-77 oraec2473-2-78 oraec2473-2-79 oraec2473-2-80 oraec2473-2-81 oraec2473-2-82 oraec2473-2-83 oraec2473-2-84 oraec2473-2-85 oraec2473-2-86 oraec2473-2-87 oraec2473-2-88 oraec2473-2-89 oraec2473-2-90 oraec2473-2-91 oraec2473-2-92 oraec2473-2-93 oraec2473-2-94 oraec2473-2-95 oraec2473-2-96 oraec2473-2-97 oraec2473-2-98 oraec2473-2-99 oraec2473-2-100 oraec2473-2-101 oraec2473-2-102 oraec2473-2-103 oraec2473-2-104 oraec2473-2-105 oraec2473-2-106 oraec2473-2-107 oraec2473-2-108 oraec2473-2-109 oraec2473-2-110 oraec2473-2-111 oraec2473-2-112 oraec2473-2-113 oraec2473-2-114 oraec2473-2-115 oraec2473-2-116 oraec2473-2-117 oraec2473-2-118 oraec2473-2-119 oraec2473-2-120 oraec2473-2-121 oraec2473-2-122 oraec2473-2-123 oraec2473-2-124 oraec2473-2-125 oraec2473-2-126 oraec2473-2-127 oraec2473-2-128 oraec2473-2-129 oraec2473-2-130 oraec2473-2-131 oraec2473-2-132 oraec2473-2-133 oraec2473-2-134 oraec2473-2-135 oraec2473-2-136 oraec2473-2-137 oraec2473-2-138 oraec2473-2-139 oraec2473-2-140 oraec2473-2-141 oraec2473-2-142 oraec2473-2-143 oraec2473-2-144 oraec2473-2-145 oraec2473-2-146
written form spḥ,t n(j).t spr,w 4 ꜣšr,t 1 mjz,t 1 nnšm 1 ḥꜥ 1 jwf n ḥꜣ,t 1 1 ṯrp 1 z,t 1 sr 1 mnw,t 1 tʾ-zf 1 šꜥ(w),t 2 npꜣ,wt 2 m[z]wt 2 ḏsr,t 2 ḏsr,t jꜣt,t 2 ḥnq,t 2 ḥnq,t ḫnms 2 sḫp,t 2 pḫꜣ 2 ḏw⸢j,w⸣ ⸢sšr⸣ 2 dꜣb 2 jrp mḥw 2 jrp ꜥbš 2 jrp 〈jm,〉t 2 jrp s[n,w] 2 jrp ⸢ḥꜣm⸣ 2 ḫnfw 2 ḥbnnw,t jšd 2 sẖ,t ḥḏ(.t) 2 sẖ,t wꜣḏ(.t) 2 ꜥg,t z(w),t 2 ꜥg,t jt 2 bꜣbꜣ,wt 2 nbs 2 tʾ-[n]bs 2 wꜥḥ 2 (j)ḫ,t [nb.t] bnr(.t) 2 rnp[w,t] nb.t 1 ḥnk,t 1 gs,w 1 pẖr{,t} 3 stp,w 3 ḥꜣ,t wdḥw 3 j⸢ꜥ⸣i̯ ⸢ṯw⸣ (ḥmsi̯) ⸢r⸣ [jḫ,t] 3 sḏ ⸢dš⸣r,t 3 ḥtp nswt ⸢wḏb-jḫ,t⸣ 2 ⸢zꜣṯ⸣ sḏ(,t) snṯr 3
line count [2,1] [2,1] [2,1] [2,1] [2,2] [2,2] [2,3] [2,3] [2,4] [2,4] [2,5] [2,5] [2,6] [2,6] [2,6] [2,6] [2,7] [2,7] [2,8] [2,8] [2,9] [2,9] [2,10] [2,10] [2,11] [2,11] [2,12] [2,12] [2,13] [2,13] [2,14] [2,14] [2,15] [2,15] [2,15] [2,16] [2,16] [2,16] [2,17] [2,17] [2,17] [2,18] [2,18] [2,18] [2,19] [2,19] [2,19] [2,19] [2,20] [2,20] [2,20] [2,21] [2,21] [2,22] [2,22] [2,22] [2,23] [2,23] [2,23] [2,24] [2,24] [2,24] [2,24] [2,25] [2,25] [2,25] [2,26] [2,26] [2,26] [2,26] [2,27] [2,27] [2,27] [2,27] [2,28] [2,28] [2,28] [2,29] [2,29] [2,30] [2,30] [2,31] [2,31] [2,31] [2,32] [2,32] [2,32] [2,32] [2,33] [2,33] [2,33] [2,34] [2,34] [2,34] [2,34] [2,35] [2,35] [2,35] [2,35] [2,36] [2,36] [2,36] [2,37] [2,37] [2,37] [2,38] [2,38] [2,38] [2,39] [2,39] [2,39] [2,40] [2,40] [2,40] [2,40] [2,41] [2,41] [2,41] [2,42] [2,42] [2,43] [2,43] [2,44] [2,44] [2,45] [2,45] [2,46] [2,46] [2,46] [2,47] [2,47] [2,47] [2,47] [2,47] [2,47] [2,48] [2,48] [2,48] [2,49] [2,49] [2,49] [2,49] [2,50] [2,50] [2,50] [2,50]
translation Fleischstücke (an Rippen) [Gen.] Rippenstück [Zahl/Q] Bratenstück [Zahl/Q] Leber [Zahl/Q] Milz [Zahl/Q] [Fleischstück] [Zahl/Q] Fleisch, Körper, Leichnam [Gen.] Vorderteil, Anfang [Zahl/Q] Gans (Anser anser, Graugans) [Zahl/Q] [Gans oder Ente] [Zahl/Q] [Gans oder Ente] [Zahl/Q] [Gans] [Zahl/Q] Taube [Zahl/Q] [Brotart] [Zahl/Q] Kuchen [Zahl/Q] [kleiner Kuchen] [Zahl/Q] [Speise aus Weizen] Portion [Zahl/Q] [Art Getränk] Portion [Zahl/Q] [Art Getränk] [Bez. für Milch und Dsr-Getränk] [Zahl/Q] Bier Portion [Zahl/Q] Bier [Bierart] Portion [Zahl/Q] [Getränk] Portion [Zahl/Q] [Getränk aus pxA-Frucht] [Zahl/Q] [Krug aus Ton] [Opfergabe] [Zahl/Q] Feige Portion [Zahl/Q] Wein (Getränk) Unterägypten Portion [Zahl/Q] Wein (Getränk) [Weinkrug] [Zahl/Q] Wein (Getränk) Stadt Buto in Unterägypten Portion [Zahl/Q] Wein (Getränk) [Weinsorte] Portion [Zahl/Q] Wein (Getränk) [Weinsorte] [Zahl/Q] [Kuchen] [Zahl/Q] [Brotart] Portion [süße Frucht] Portion [Zahl/Q] Gerste weiß, hell Portion [Zahl/Q] Gerste grün, frisch, roh [Zahl/Q] Röstgut (von Getreide) Weizen Portion [Zahl/Q] Röstgut (von Getreide) Gerste (Hordeum spec.) Portion [Zahl/Q] [Körnerfrucht] Portion [Zahl/Q] Christdorn (zizyphus spina christi) Portion [Zahl/Q] [Brotart] Portion [Zahl/Q] Erdmandel (cyperus esculentus) Portion [Zahl/Q] Sache jede [fem. sg.] süß [Zahl/Q] frische Früchte und Pflanzen jede/r [Zahl/Q] [Form des Opfers] [Zahl/Q] [Art Gebäck] [Zahl/Q] [Bez. einer Opferart] [Zahl/Q] Auserlesenes [Zahl/Q] Erster, Bestes Altar, Opferständer [Zahl/Q] waschen du, [pron. enkl. 2. masc. sg.] sitzen, sich setzen gegen (Personen), zum (Lohn) [Richtg., Zweck] Opfer [Zahl/Q] zerbrechen [rotes Gefäß] [Zahl/Q] Opfergabe König [Bez. einer Opferart] [Zahl/Q] Libation, Wasserspende Feuer, Flamme Weihrauch [Zahl/Q]
lemma spḥ.t n.j spr 1...n ꜣšr.t 1...n mjz.t 1...n nnšm 1...n ḥꜥ.w 1...n jwf n.j ḥꜣ.t 1...n 1...n ṯrp 1...n z.t 1...n sr.w 1...n mnw.t 1...n tʾ-zjf 1...n šꜥw.t 1...n npꜣ.t 1...n mzw.t 1...n ḏsr.t 1...n ḏsr.t jꜣ.tjt 1...n ḥnq.t 1...n ḥnq.t ḫnms 1...n sḫp.t 1...n pḫꜣ 1...n ḏwj.w sšr 1...n dꜣb 1...n jrp Mḥ.w 1...n jrp ꜥbš 1...n jrp Jm.t 1...n jrp snw 1...n jrp ḥꜣm.wj 1...n ḫnf.w 1...n ḥbnn.wt jšd 1...n sẖ.t ḥḏ 1...n sẖ.t wꜣḏ 1...n ꜥg.t zw.t 1...n ꜥg.t jt 1...n bꜣbꜣ.t 1...n nbs 1...n tʾ-n-nbs 1...n wꜥḥ 1...n jḫ.t nb bnj 1...n rnp.wt nb 1...n ḥnk.t 1...n gs.w 1...n pẖr 1...n stp.w 1...n ḥꜣ.t wdḥ.w 1...n jꜥi̯ ṯw ḥmsi̯ r jḫ.t 1...n sḏ dšr.t 1...n ḥtp nswt wḏb-jḫ.t 1...n zꜣṯ sḏ.t snṯr 1...n
AED ID 132980 850787 132820 850814 289 850814 68520 850814 85010 850814 854529 850814 22520 850787 100310 850814 92640 850814 176350 850814 125060 850814 139140 850814 70550 850814 169250 850814 152490 850814 83000 850814 75040 34360 850814 185590 34360 850814 185590 20190 850814 110300 34360 850814 110300 118270 34360 850814 142010 34360 850814 61720 850814 183020 145490 850814 177710 34360 850814 29740 73940 34360 850814 29740 36920 850814 29740 24750 34360 850814 29740 136330 34360 850814 29740 101480 850814 118020 850814 103710 34360 32150 34360 850814 143330 112300 34360 850814 143330 600304 850814 41620 129420 34360 850814 41620 32830 34360 850814 53440 34360 850814 82810 34360 850814 450605 34360 850814 44830 34360 850814 30750 81660 400993 850814 95030 81660 850814 107190 850814 168330 850814 61920 850814 148170 850814 100310 400433 850814 21550 174900 105780 91900 30750 850814 150110 180820 850814 854532 88040 52650 850814 127620 150140 138670 850814
part of speech substantive adjective substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive adjective substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive entity_name substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive entity_name substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive adjective substantive numeral substantive adjective numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral substantive adjective adjective numeral substantive adjective numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral verb pronoun verb preposition substantive numeral verb substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral substantive substantive substantive numeral
name place_name place_name
number cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal
genus feminine masculine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine feminine masculine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine masculine
pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular
inflection imperative imperative infinitive
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_3-inf verb_4-inf verb_2-lit
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: 1 (mal) Rippenfleisch, 1 (mal) Bratenstück, 1 (mal) Leber, 1 (mal) Milz, 1 (mal) Ha-Fleisch, 1 (mal) Bestes vom Iuf-Fleisch, 1 (mal) Graugans, 1 (mal) Bläßgans, 1 (mal) Spießente, 1 (mal) Graugans, 1 (mal) Taube, 1 (mal) Zif-Brot, 2 (mal) Schat-Kuchen, 2 Portionen Nepat-Kuchen, 2 Portionen Weizenspeise, 2 Portionen Djeseret-Krug-Getränk, 2 Portionen Djeseret-ijatet-Getränk, 2 Portionen Bier, 2 Portionen Chenemes-Bier, 2 Protionen Sechepet-Getränk, 2 Portionen Pecha-Saft, 2 (mal) Sescher-Getränk im Djuju-Krug, 2 Portionen Feigen, 2 Portionen Wein, 2 (mal) Abesch-Krug-Wein, 2 Portionen Buto-Wein, 2 Portionen Pelusium-Wein, 2 Portionen Ham-Wein, 2 Portionen Chenefu-Kuchen, 2 Portionen Hebenenut-Brot, 2 Portionen Isched-Früchte, 2 Portionen weiße (=gemahlen) Gerste, 2 Protionen grüne (=frisch) Gerste, Röstgut: 2 Portionen Weizen, Röstgut: 2 Portionen Gerste, 2 Portionen Babaut-Körner, 2 Portionen Christusdorn-Früchte, 2 Portionen Christusdorn-Brot, 2 Portionen Erdmandeln, 2 (mal) jede süße Sache, 1 (mal) jedes Jahresfestopfer, 1 (mal) Heneket-Opfer, 1 (mal) Gesu-Gebäck, 3 (mal) Pecher-Opfer, 3 (mal) Auserwähltes, 3 (mal) Bestes des Opferständers, wasch dich (und setzen) zum Opfer 3 (mal), 3 (mal) Zerbrechen der roten Töpfe, Königsopfer (und) Umlaufopfer 2 (mal), Wasser- (und) Feuerweihrauch-Spende 3 (mal).


Responsible: Stefan Grunert

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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