token | oraec40-121-1 | oraec40-121-2 | oraec40-121-3 | oraec40-121-4 | oraec40-121-5 | oraec40-121-6 | oraec40-121-7 | oraec40-121-8 | oraec40-121-9 | oraec40-121-10 | oraec40-121-11 | oraec40-121-12 | oraec40-121-13 | oraec40-121-14 | oraec40-121-15 | oraec40-121-16 | oraec40-121-17 | oraec40-121-18 | oraec40-121-19 | oraec40-121-20 | oraec40-121-21 | oraec40-121-22 | oraec40-121-23 | oraec40-121-24 | oraec40-121-25 | oraec40-121-26 | oraec40-121-27 | oraec40-121-28 | oraec40-121-29 | oraec40-121-30 | oraec40-121-31 | oraec40-121-32 | oraec40-121-33 | oraec40-121-34 | oraec40-121-35 | oraec40-121-36 | oraec40-121-37 | oraec40-121-38 | oraec40-121-39 | oraec40-121-40 | oraec40-121-41 | ← |
written form | jw | =st | (ḥr) | spr | r | Nm,tj | pꜣ | mꜥ~ẖn,〈t〉j | jw | =f | ḥmsi̯ | (⸮ḥr?) | spr | r | pꜣy | =f | jmw | jw | jry | =st | ḫpr,pl | =st | m | wꜥ-n | jꜣw,t | n | r(m)ṯ(,t){.pl} | jw | j:šmi̯{.t} | =s(t) | m | kꜣ~sꜣ{~kꜣ~sꜣ} | jw | wꜥ | ḫtm,w | šrjw | n | nbw | 〈m〉 | ḏr,t | =st | ← |
hiero | 𓇋𓅱 | 𓋴𓏏 | 𓄭𓂋𓅱𓂻 | 𓂋 | 𓅇𓏏𓏭𓅆 | 𓅯𓄿 | 𓅓𓂝𓄚𓈖𓏭𓊛 | 𓇋𓅱 | 𓆑 | 𓈞𓊃𓀔 | 𓄭𓂋𓅱𓂻 | 𓂋 | 𓅯𓄿𓇋𓇋 | 𓆑 | 𓊛𓏤 | 𓇋𓅱 | 𓁹𓇋𓇋 | 𓋴𓏏 | 𓆣𓂋𓀗𓏛𓏥 | 𓋴𓏏 | 𓅓 | 𓌡𓂝𓏤𓈖 | 𓇋𓄿𓅱𓏏𓀗𓐎𓁐 | 𓈖 | 𓂋𓍿𓁐𓏥 | 𓇋𓅱 | 𓇋𓀁𓈝𓅓𓏏�𓂻 | 𓋴� | 𓅓 | 𓂓𓏤𓐟𓏤𓂓𓏤𓐟𓏤𓀓 | 𓇋𓅱 | 𓌡𓂝𓏤 | 𓐍𓏏𓅓𓅱𓋨𓊌 | 𓈙𓂋𓇋𓅱𓅪 | 𓈖 | 𓋞 | 𓂧𓏏𓏤𓄹 | 𓋴𓏏 | ← | |||
line count | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,6] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,7] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | [5,8] | ← |
translation | [in nicht-initialem Hauptsatz] | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | [mit Infinitiv] | kommen zu | [in Richtung auf (e. Ort, e. Sache, e. Person)] | Nemti | der [Artikel sg.m.] | Fährmann | [Umstandskonverter] | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | (etw.) beginnen | [mit Infinitiv] | kommen zu | [in Richtung auf (e. Ort, e. Sache, e. Person)] | [Poss.artikel sg.m.] | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | Schiff (allg.) | [Umstandskonverter] | sich verwandeln (in) | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | Gestalt | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | in (Zustand) | ein [unbestimmter Artikel] | Greisin | [Genitiv (invariabel)] | Frau | [Umstandskonverter] | gehen | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | in (Zustand) | (sich) bücken | [Umstandskonverter] | ein [unbestimmter Artikel sg.c.] | Siegel | klein | [Genitiv (invariabel)] | Gold | an | Hand | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | ← |
lemma | jw | =st | ḥr | spr | r | Nmt.j | pꜣ | mẖ | jw | =f | ḥmsi̯ | ḥr | spr | r | pꜣy= | =f | jmw | jw | jri̯ | =st | ḫpr.w | =st | m | wꜥ-n | jꜣw.t | n.j | rmṯ.t | jw | šmi̯ | =st | m | ksi̯ | jw | wꜥ | ḫtm | šrj | n.j | nbw | m | ḏr.t | =st | ← |
AED ID | 21881 | 851173 | 107520 | 132830 | 91900 | 850356 | 851446 | 74630 | 21881 | 10050 | 105780 | 107520 | 132830 | 91900 | 550021 | 10050 | 25990 | 21881 | 851809 | 851173 | 116300 | 851173 | 64360 | 600042 | 20400 | 850787 | 853446 | 21881 | 154340 | 851173 | 64360 | 165430 | 21881 | 600043 | 121690 | 600257 | 850787 | 81680 | 64360 | 184630 | 851173 | ← |
part of speech | particle | pronoun | preposition | verb | preposition | entity_name | pronoun | substantive | particle | pronoun | verb | preposition | verb | preposition | pronoun | pronoun | substantive | particle | verb | pronoun | substantive | pronoun | preposition | pronoun | substantive | adjective | substantive | particle | verb | pronoun | preposition | verb | particle | pronoun | substantive | adjective | adjective | substantive | preposition | substantive | pronoun | ← |
name | gods_name | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | active | active | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | masculine | masculine | feminine | feminine | masculine | masculine | masculine | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | prefixed | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | infinitive | pseudoParticiple | infinitive | suffixConjugation;special | suffixConjugation | infinitive | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adjective | nisbe_adjective_preposition | nisbe_adjective_preposition | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-lit | verb_4-inf | verb_3-lit | verb_3-inf | verb_3-inf | verb_3-inf | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_pronominalis | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_pronominalis | ← |
Translation: Dann gelangte sie zu Nemti, dem Fährmann, während der sich (gerade) seinem Schiff zuzuwenden begann, nachdem sie ihre Gestalt zu (der) einer menschlichen, krummen Alten (wörtl.: eine menschliche Alte, indem: gebeugt ging sie) verwandelt hatte, die (wörtl.: indem sie) einen kleinen goldenen Siegelring an ihrer Hand hatte.
Source: AES
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Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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