
token oraec52-31-1 oraec52-31-2 oraec52-31-3 oraec52-31-4 oraec52-31-5 oraec52-31-6 oraec52-31-7 oraec52-31-8 oraec52-31-9 oraec52-31-10 oraec52-31-11 oraec52-31-12 oraec52-31-13 oraec52-31-14 oraec52-31-15 oraec52-31-16 oraec52-31-17 oraec52-31-18 oraec52-31-19 oraec52-31-20 oraec52-31-21 oraec52-31-22 oraec52-31-23 oraec52-31-24 oraec52-31-25 oraec52-31-26 oraec52-31-27 oraec52-31-28 oraec52-31-29 oraec52-31-30 oraec52-31-31 oraec52-31-32
written form ḥmꜣ,t-mḥ,t 1 nḥd,t 1 ꜥd nrꜣ,w 1 bj,t 1 sntr 1 mꜣt,t 1 ḥnj-tꜣ 1 ḥtm 1 ḥḏ,w 1 ẖꜣ,w.pl n(,j).w ḥmt 1 ꜥd ꜥw,t 1 tpnn 1 mrḥ,t 1 ḥsmn 1
hiero 𓎛𓌳𓏏𓄞𓂧𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓅘𓎛𓂧𓏏𓄑𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎙𓂧𓏌𓏥 𓈖𓂋𓄫𓅱𓄛𓏥 𓏤 𓆤𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓏤 𓊹𓌢𓏏𓂋𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓌳𓏏𓏏𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓆰𓈖𓏭𓇾𓈇𓏤𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓊨𓏏𓅬𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓌉𓅱𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓆞𓄿𓅱𓂝𓏥 𓏌𓏤 𓈔𓏤𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎙𓂧𓏌𓏥 𓋿𓅱𓏏𓃙𓏥 𓏤 𓏏𓊪𓈖𓈖𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓌸𓂋𓎛𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓋴𓏠𓈖𓍖𓈒𓏥 𓏤
line count [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,20] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,21] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22] [79,22]
translation unterägyptisches Salz [Myrrheart] Fett (vom Tier) Steinbock Honig Weihrauch [eine Pflanze] [Pflanze] [ein Mineral] Zwiebel; Knoblauch Granulat (Kupfer) von [Genitiv] Kupfer Fett (vom Tier) Kleinvieh Kreuzkümmel Öl/Fett Natron
lemma ḥmꜣ.t-mḥ.wjt nḥd.t ꜥḏ njꜣ.w bj.t snṯr mꜣt.t ḥnj-tꜣ ḥtm ḥḏ.w ẖꜣ.w n.j ḥmt ꜥḏ ꜥw.t tpnn mrḥ.t ḥzmn
AED ID 862952 86740 41980 79960 54210 138670 67500 865697 111660 112710 122410 850787 450114 41980 35870 171690 72840 110020
part of speech substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive
genus feminine feminine masculine feminine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine feminine masculine
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular plural plural singular singular singular singular singular singular
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: Unterägyptisches Salz: 1, $nḥd.t$-Myrrhe: 1, Steinbockfett: 1, Honig: 1, Weihrauch: 1, Sellerie: 1, $ḥnj-tꜣ$-Planzen (oder: $ḥnj$-Pflanzen des Landes): 1, $ḥtm$-Mineral: 1, Zwiebeln/Knoblauch: 1, Späne vom Kupfer: 1, Schaf-/Ziegenfett: 1, Kreuzkümmel: 1, Öl/Fett: 1, Natron: 1.


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License