
token oraec54-135-1 oraec54-135-2 oraec54-135-3 oraec54-135-4 oraec54-135-5 oraec54-135-6 oraec54-135-7 oraec54-135-8 oraec54-135-9 oraec54-135-10 oraec54-135-11 oraec54-135-12 oraec54-135-13 oraec54-135-14 oraec54-135-15 oraec54-135-16 oraec54-135-17
written form ((jrp)) ((1/64)) ((bj,t)) ((rʾ-32)) ((šnj-tꜣ)) ((rʾ-8)) ((mw)) ((n.w)) ((ḏꜣr,t)) ((ḥsb)) ḥsꜣ n šꜥ,yt 1/64 ꜥd ⸮ꜣpd? ḥsb
hiero 𓇋𓂋𓊪𓏌𓏥 𓂆 𓆤𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓂋𓎆𓎆𓎆𓏤𓏤 𓁸𓏥𓇾𓈇𓏤𓈒𓏥 𓂋𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤𓏤 𓈗 𓏌𓏤 𓍑𓄿𓂋𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓏴 𓎛𓋴𓐟𓄿𓈗𓏌𓏥 𓈖 𓈙𓂝𓇋𓇋𓏏𓏒 𓂆 𓎙𓂧𓏌𓏥 𓅬 𓏴
line count [31,2a] [31,2a] [31,2a] [31,2a] [31,2a] [31,2a] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,2b] [31,3] [31,3] [31,3]
translation Wein (Getränk) 1/64 [Oipe] Honig [Bruchzahl] [eine Pflanze aus dem Wadi Natrun] [Zahl/Bruch/Q] Saft von [Genitiv] Johannisbrotfrucht [Zahl/Bruch/Q] Teig (o. Ä.) von [Genitiv] [ein Kuchen] 1/64 [Oipe] Fett (vom Tier) Vogel (allg.) [Zahl/Bruch/Q]
lemma jrp 1...n bj.t 1...n šnj-tꜣ 1...n mw n.j ḏꜣr.t 1...n ḥzꜣ n.j šꜥw.t 1...n ꜥḏ ꜣpd 1...n
AED ID 29740 850815 54210 850814 155670 850814 69000 850787 182260 850814 109510 850787 152490 850815 41980 107 850814
part of speech substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive adjective substantive numeral substantive adjective substantive numeral substantive substantive numeral
number cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal cardinal
genus masculine feminine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine feminine masculine
numerus singular singular singular plural plural singular singular singular singular singular singular
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus

Translation: Wein: 1/64 (Oipe = 1 Dja), Honig: 1/32 (Dja), "Erdhaar"-Früchte: 1/8 (Dja), Saft vom Johannisbrot: ein viertel (Dja), Brei für/aus (?) $šꜥ.yt$-Kuchen: 1/64 (Oipe = Dja), Gänsefett: ein viertel (Dja).


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License