token | oraec570-3-1 | oraec570-3-2 | oraec570-3-3 | oraec570-3-4 | oraec570-3-5 | oraec570-3-6 | oraec570-3-7 | oraec570-3-8 | oraec570-3-9 | oraec570-3-10 | oraec570-3-11 | oraec570-3-12 | oraec570-3-13 | oraec570-3-14 | oraec570-3-15 | oraec570-3-16 | oraec570-3-17 | oraec570-3-18 | oraec570-3-19 | oraec570-3-20 | oraec570-3-21 | oraec570-3-22 | ← |
written form | nzw-bjt | ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ,t | nb-[Tꜣ.du] | ⸢Wꜥ⸣-n-Rꜥw | [zꜣ-Rꜥw] | [ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ,t] | [nb-ḫꜥ.pl] | [Ꜣḫ-n-Jtn] | [...] | ḫꜥi̯.w | ḥr | [s,t] | jt(j) | =f | pꜣ | Jtn | [mj] | [Rꜥw] | [m] | [p,t] | [tꜣ] | [rꜥw-nb] | ← |
hiero | 𓇓𓏏𓆤𓏏 | 𓋹𓐛𓐙𓏏 | [⯑] | [⯑] | [⯑] | 𓁷𓏤 | [⯑] | 𓆑 | 𓅮 | [⯑] | ← | ||||||||||||
line count | [2] | [2] | [2] | [2] | [2] | [2] | [2] | [2] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | [3] | ← | |
translation | König von Ober- und Unterägypten | der von der Maat lebt | Herr der Beiden Länder (Könige) | Einziger des Re | Sohn des Re (Eigenname der Königstitulatur) | der von der Maat lebt | Herr der Kronen (König) | Echnaton | erscheinen | [lokal] | Thron | Vater | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | der [Artikel sg.m.] | Aton | wie | Re | [lokal] | Himmel | Land (als Element des Kosmos) | jeden Tag; täglich | ← | |
lemma | | ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t | nb-Tꜣ.wj | wꜥ-n-Rꜥw | zꜣ-Rꜥw | ꜥnḫ-m-Mꜣꜥ.t | nb-ḫꜥ.w | Ꜣḫ-n-Jtn | ḫꜥi̯ | ḥr | s.t | jtj | =f | pꜣ | Jtn | mj | Rꜥw | m | p.t | tꜣ | rꜥw-nb | ← | |
AED ID | 88060 | 859294 | 400038 | 852058 | 126020 | 859294 | 600260 | 856863 | 114740 | 107520 | 854540 | 32820 | 10050 | 851446 | 850317 | 850796 | 400015 | 64360 | 58710 | 854573 | 93320 | ← | |
part of speech | substantive | epitheton_title | epitheton_title | epitheton_title | epitheton_title | epitheton_title | epitheton_title | entity_name | verb | preposition | substantive | substantive | pronoun | pronoun | entity_name | preposition | entity_name | preposition | substantive | substantive | adverb | ← | |
name | kings_name | gods_name | gods_name | ← | |||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | active | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | feminine | masculine | ← | |||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | ← | ||||||||||||||||
epitheton | epith_king | epith_king | epith_king | epith_king | epith_king | epith_king | ← | ||||||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | participle | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_constructus | st_pronominalis | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: Der König von Ober- und Unterägypten, der von der Maat lebt, Herr der [Beiden Länder], Wa-en-Ra, [Sohn des Re, der von der Maat lebt, Herr der Kronen, Echnaton,] ..., der auf dem [Thron] seines Vaters Aton erschienen ist [wie Re im Himmel und auf Erden, täglich.]
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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