
token oraec721-17-1 oraec721-17-2 oraec721-17-3 oraec721-17-4 oraec721-17-5 oraec721-17-6 oraec721-17-7 oraec721-17-8 oraec721-17-9
written form rḏi̯.n Mꜣṯ,t ꜥ.w =s r Mr,y-Rꜥw [jr,t-ꜥꜣ] [n.t] [p,t]
line count [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727] [P/D post/W 13 = 727]
translation geben Matjeret Arm; Hand [Suffix Pron.sg.3.f.] [in Richtung auf (e. Ort, e. Sache, e. Person)] Pepi Pförtnerin von [Genitiv] Himmel
lemma rḏi̯ Mꜣṯr.t =s r Ppy jr.jt-ꜥꜣ n.j p.t
AED ID 851711 857339 34360 10090 91900 400313 854826 850787 58710
part of speech verb entity_name substantive pronoun preposition entity_name substantive adjective substantive
name gods_name kings_name
voice active
genus feminine feminine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus dual singular singular singular
morphology n-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_irr
status st_pronominalis st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: Die $mꜣṯ.t$-Baumgöttin hat ihre Arme dem Merire gereicht, [die Türhüterin des Himmels].


Responsible: Doris Topmann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License