
token oraec7796-2-1 oraec7796-2-2 oraec7796-2-3 oraec7796-2-4 oraec7796-2-5 oraec7796-2-6 oraec7796-2-7 oraec7796-2-8 oraec7796-2-9 oraec7796-2-10 oraec7796-2-11 oraec7796-2-12 oraec7796-2-13 oraec7796-2-14 oraec7796-2-15
written form [jḫ] [ḏi̯] =k ḥr =k r zẖꜣ m hr[w] jw =k (ḥr) šdi̯ m grḥ
hiero [⯑] 𓎡 𓁷𓂋𓏤 𓎡 𓂋 𓏞𓅱𓏛𓏥 𓅓 [⯑] 𓇋𓅱 𓎡 𓄞𓂧𓏛𓂡 𓅓 [⯑]
line count [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,5] [Rto. 5,6] [Rto. 5,6]
translation [Partikel] Aufmerksamkeit schenken [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] Aufmerksamkeit [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] [in Richtung auf (e. Ort, e. Sache, e. Person)] schreiben am Tag [Umstandskonverter] [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] [mit Infinitiv] (etwas) lesen in Nacht
lemma jḫ rḏi̯ =k ḥr =k r zẖꜣ m hrw jw =k ḥr šdi̯ m grḥ
AED ID 30730 851711 10110 107510 10110 91900 600375 64360 99060 21881 10110 107520 854561 64360 167920
part of speech particle verb pronoun substantive pronoun preposition verb preposition substantive particle pronoun preposition verb preposition substantive
voice active
genus masculine masculine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular
inflection suffixConjugation infinitive infinitive
particle particle_nonenclitic
verbal class verb_irr verb_3-lit verb_3-inf
status st_pronominalis st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: [Wen]de [doch] deine Aufmerksamkeit tagsüber dem Schreiben zu, während du nachts liest!


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License