
token oraec827-1-1 oraec827-1-2 oraec827-1-3 oraec827-1-4 oraec827-1-5 oraec827-1-6 oraec827-1-7 oraec827-1-8 oraec827-1-9 oraec827-1-10 oraec827-1-11 oraec827-1-12 oraec827-1-13 oraec827-1-14 oraec827-1-15 oraec827-1-16 oraec827-1-17 oraec827-1-18 oraec827-1-19 oraec827-1-20 oraec827-1-21 oraec827-1-22 oraec827-1-23 oraec827-1-24 oraec827-1-25 oraec827-1-26 oraec827-1-27 oraec827-1-28 oraec827-1-29
written form rnp,t-zp 2 {n}〈ꜣbd〉 3 šm,w ꜥrq,y ḫr ḥm 〈n(,j)〉 Ḥr(,w) Ḥkn-m-(mꜣꜥ,t) Nb,tj Ḥkn-m-(mꜣꜥ,t) Ḥr(,w)-nbw Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw nswt-bj,tj Nbw-kꜣ,pl-Rꜥ(w) zꜣ-Rꜥ(w) Jmn-m-ḥꜣ,t ꜥnḫ(.w) mj Rꜥ(w) ḏ,t nḥḥ ḥr s,t Ḥr(,w) n.t ꜥnḫ〈.w〉
hiero 𓆳𓏏𓊗 𓏤𓏤 𓈖 𓏤𓏤𓏤 𓈙𓈖𓈙𓈙𓈖𓈙 𓍼𓇋𓇋𓇳 𓐍𓂋 𓍛𓏤 𓅃 𓎛𓎡𓈖𓅓𓀭 𓅒 𓎛𓎡𓈖𓅓𓀭 𓅉 𓌳𓐙𓊤 𓇓𓏏𓆤𓏏 𓇳𓏤𓋞𓂓𓂓𓂓 𓅭𓇳𓏤 𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅓𓄂𓏏𓏤 𓋹 𓏇 𓇳𓏤 𓆓𓏏 𓈖𓅘𓎛𓎛 𓁷𓏤 𓊨 𓅃 𓈖𓏏 𓋹𓈖𓐍𓀀
line count [A.1] [A.1] [A.1] [A.1] [A.1] [A.1] [A.2] [A.2] [A.2] [A.2] [A.2] [A.2] [A.2] [A.3] [A.3] [A.3] [A.3] [A.3] [A.3] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4] [A.4]
translation Regierungsjahr [Zahl/RegJ] Monat [Zahl/Mon.] Schemu-Jahreszeit; Sommerzeit Monatsende (letzter Tag des Monats) unter (der Majestät) Majestät von [Genitiv] Horus (Horusname der Königstitulatur) [Horus- und Nebti-Name Amenemhets II. die beiden Herrinnen (Nebtiname der Königstitulatur) [Horus- und Nebti-Name Amenemhets II. Goldhorus (Goldname der Königstitulatur) [Goldname Amenemhets II.] König von Ober- und Unterägypten [Thronname Amenemhets II.] Sohn des Re (Eigenname der Königstitulatur) Amenemhet leben wie Re ewig, ewiglich ewiglich auf Thron Horus von [Genitiv] Lebender
lemma rnp.t-zp 1...n ꜣbd 1...n šm.w ꜥrq.y ḫr ḥm n.j Ḥr.w Ḥkn-m-Mꜣꜥ.t nb.tj Ḥkn-m-Mꜣꜥ.t Ḥr.w-nbw Mꜣꜥ-ḫrw nswt-bj.tj Nbw-kꜣ.w-Rꜥw zꜣ-Rꜥw Jmn-m-ḥꜣ.t ꜥnḫ mj Rꜥw ḏ.t nḥḥ ḥr ns.t Ḥr.w n.j ꜥnḫ
AED ID 850581 850814 93 850814 154850 39740 850795 104690 850787 400034 400425 400065 400425 400069 861005 88060 400160 126020 400161 38530 850796 400015 181401 86580 107520 87870 107500 850787 400614
part of speech substantive numeral substantive numeral substantive substantive preposition substantive adjective epitheton_title entity_name epitheton_title entity_name epitheton_title entity_name substantive entity_name epitheton_title entity_name verb preposition entity_name adverb adverb preposition substantive entity_name adjective substantive
name kings_name kings_name kings_name kings_name kings_name gods_name gods_name
number cardinal cardinal
genus masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular plural
epitheton epith_king epith_king epith_king epith_king
inflection pseudoParticiple
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_3-lit
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus

Translation: Second regnal year, 3rd month of the inundation season, last day under the majesty of Horus Hekenemmaat, Two Ladies {Horus} Hekenemmaat, Golden Horus Maa-kheru, King of Upper and Lower Egypt 𓍹Khakaure𓍺, 𓍹son of Re, Amenemhat𓍺, who lives like Re for ever and ever upon the Horusthrone of the living ones.


Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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