
token oraec91-109-1 oraec91-109-2 oraec91-109-3 oraec91-109-4 oraec91-109-5 oraec91-109-6 oraec91-109-7 oraec91-109-8 oraec91-109-9 oraec91-109-10 oraec91-109-11 oraec91-109-12
written form jwi̯.t pw jri̯.n =f [n] =j ꜥḥꜥ.kw di̯.n =j wj m-[hꜣw] =f
hiero 𓂻𓅱𓏏 𓊪𓅱 𓁹𓈖 𓆑 𓈖 𓀀 𓊢𓂝𓂻𓎡𓅱𓀀 𓂞𓈖 𓀀 𓅱𓀀 [⯑] 𓆑
line count [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156] [156]
translation kommen [Seminomen (Subjekt i. NS)] machen er hin zu (pron. suff. 1. sg.) nach Präp. stehen geben ich ich (pron. enkl. 1. sg.) in der Nähe von (pron. suff. 3. masc. sg.) nach Präp.
lemma jwi̯ pw jri̯ =f n =j ꜥḥꜥ rḏi̯ =j wj m-hꜣ.w =f
AED ID 21930 851517 851809 10050 78870 10030 851887 851711 10030 44000 65060 10050
part of speech verb pronoun verb pronoun preposition pronoun verb verb pronoun pronoun preposition pronoun
voice active
genus masculine commonGender
pronoun demonstrative_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular
morphology t-morpheme n-morpheme
inflection infinitive relativeform pseudoParticiple suffixConjugation
verbal class verb_irr verb_3-inf verb_3-lit verb_irr

Translation: Nun kam er [auf] mich [zu] ('Kommen war es, was er machte zu mir'), (während) ich da stand, (nachdem) ich mich in seine [Nähe] begeben hatte.


Responsible: Frank Feder

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License