pr-ḥr.j (60770)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma pr-ḥr.j, "oberes Stockwerk" (for more info check AED link: 60770 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec470-12
(〈Stele des Amenyseneb (Louvre C 12)〉 / Stele des Amenyseneb (Louvre C 12)), [8]
- oraec30-295
(Die Erzählungen des pWestcar / 〈pWestcar = 〉pBerlin P 3033), [10, 7]
- oraec3352-3
(Tb 106 / pLondon BM EA 10477 (pNu)), [2]
- oraec1085-20
(Tb 080 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [5]
- oraec3963-3
(Tb 106 / pTurin Museo Egizio 1791 Tb 1-113), [1]