token | oraec101-202-1 | oraec101-202-2 | oraec101-202-3 | oraec101-202-4 | oraec101-202-5 | oraec101-202-6 | oraec101-202-7 | oraec101-202-8 | oraec101-202-9 | oraec101-202-10 | oraec101-202-11 | oraec101-202-12 | oraec101-202-13 | oraec101-202-14 | oraec101-202-15 | oraec101-202-16 | oraec101-202-17 | oraec101-202-18 | oraec101-202-19 | oraec101-202-20 | oraec101-202-21 | oraec101-202-22 | oraec101-202-23 | oraec101-202-24 | oraec101-202-25 | oraec101-202-26 | ← |
written form | ḏd | =tw | rʾ | pw | wꜥb(.w) | tw{r}j(.w) | wnḫ.w | n | =f | ḥbs.w | =f | ṯb.w | m | ḥḏ,tj | wrḥ.w | m | ꜥntj,w | wdn.n | =f | jḥ | wꜣḏ | ꜣ | snṯr | tʾ | ḥ(n)q,t | sm,w | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
line count | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [799] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [800] | [801] | [801] | [801] | [801] | ← |
translation | sagen, mitteilen, nennen | man [pron. suff. 3. sg.] | Spruch | dieser, [pron. dem. masc. sg.] | reinigen; rein sein | reinigen, rein sein | kleiden, gekleidet werden | [Dat.] | er [pron. suff. 3. masc. sg.] | Kleid, Hülle, Tuch | er [pron. suff. 3. masc. sg.] | mit Schuhwerk ausstatten | mittels, durch [instr.] | weiße Sandalen | aufstreichen, salben | mittels, durch [instr.] | Myrrhenharz [Commiphora spec.] | opfern | er [pron. suff. 3. masc. sg.] | Rind | jung | Vogel; Geflügel | Weihrauch | Brot (allgem. Ausdruck) | Bier | Kraut | ← |
lemma | ḏd | =tw | rʾ | pw | wꜥb | twr | wnḫ | n | =f | ḥbs | =f | ṯb | m | ḥḏ.tj | wrḥ | m | ꜥnt.w | wdn | =f | jḥ | wꜣḏ | ꜣpd | snṯr | tʾ | ḥnq.t | sm.w | ← |
AED ID | 185810 | 170100 | 92560 | 851517 | 44430 | 854576 | 46920 | 78870 | 10050 | 103750 | 10050 | 175090 | 64360 | 112540 | 48030 | 64360 | 39010 | 854506 | 10050 | 30410 | 600304 | 107 | 138670 | 168810 | 110300 | 134140 | ← |
part of speech | verb | pronoun | substantive | pronoun | verb | verb | verb | preposition | pronoun | substantive | pronoun | verb | preposition | substantive | verb | preposition | substantive | verb | pronoun | substantive | adjective | substantive | substantive | substantive | substantive | substantive | ← |
name | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
genus | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | substantive_masc | substantive_masc | substantive_fem | substantive_masc | substantive_masc | substantive_masc | substantive_masc | substantive_masc | substantive_fem | substantive_masc | ← | ||||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_2-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_2-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_3-lit | ← | |||||||||||||||||||
status | ← |
Translation: Man sage diesen Spruch rein und sauber, indem einer mit seinen Gewändern bekleidet und mit einem Paar weißer Sandalen beschuht und mit Myrrhen gesalbt ist, nachdem er ein junges Rind, Vögel, Weihrauch, Brot, Bier und Gemüse geopfert hat.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License