token | oraec1053-6-1 | oraec1053-6-2 | oraec1053-6-3 | oraec1053-6-4 | oraec1053-6-5 | oraec1053-6-6 | oraec1053-6-7 | oraec1053-6-8 | oraec1053-6-9 | oraec1053-6-10 | oraec1053-6-11 | oraec1053-6-12 | oraec1053-6-13 | oraec1053-6-14 | oraec1053-6-15 | oraec1053-6-16 | oraec1053-6-17 | oraec1053-6-18 | oraec1053-6-19 | oraec1053-6-20 | oraec1053-6-21 | oraec1053-6-22 | oraec1053-6-23 | oraec1053-6-24 | ← |
written form | mḥi̯ | jꜣr,w | jꜣḫi̯ | mr-n(,j)-ḫꜣ | wbꜣ | mr-mnꜥ,j | n | Nmt,j-m-zꜣ≡f | Mr,n-Rꜥw | ḏꜣi̯ | =f | jm | jr | ꜣḫ,t | jr | bw | msi̯.w | nṯ | jm | msi̯.t | =k | jm | ḥnꜥ | =sn | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
line count | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 18 = 684] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | [M/C ant/W x + 19 = 685] | ← |
translation | überflutet sein | Binsengewässer | überschwemmt sein | [ein Gewässer am Himmel] | (sich) öffnen | Ammenkanal (am Himmel) | für (jmd.) | Nemti-em-za-ef | Merenre | (jmdn.) übersetzen (über/nach) | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | dort | zu (lok.) | Horizont | zu (lok.) | Ort | gebären | Gott | dort | gebären | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | dort | zusammen mit | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | ← |
lemma | mḥi̯ | Jꜣr.w | jꜣḫi̯ | mr-n-ḫꜣ | wbꜣ | Mr-mnꜥ.j | n | Nmt.j-m-zꜣ=f | Mr.n-Rꜥw | ḏꜣi̯ | =f | jm | r | ꜣḫ.t | r | bw | msi̯ | nṯr | jm | msi̯ | =k | jm | ḥnꜥ | =sn | ← |
AED ID | 73740 | 854783 | 20870 | 855200 | 44890 | 72270 | 78870 | 854416 | 401175 | 181780 | 10050 | 24640 | 91900 | 227 | 91900 | 55110 | 74950 | 90260 | 24640 | 74950 | 10110 | 24640 | 850800 | 10100 | ← |
part of speech | verb | entity_name | verb | substantive | verb | entity_name | preposition | entity_name | entity_name | verb | pronoun | adverb | preposition | substantive | preposition | substantive | verb | substantive | adverb | verb | pronoun | adverb | preposition | pronoun | ← |
name | place_name | place_name | kings_name | kings_name | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | active | active | active | active | passive | passive | ← | ||||||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | masculine | masculine | masculine | feminine | masculine | masculine | ← | |||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | plural | ← | ||||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | tw-morpheme | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | participle | participle | participle | suffixConjugation | participle | suffixConjugation | ← | ||||||||||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | prepositional_adverb | prepositional_adverb | prepositional_adverb | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | verb_4-inf | verb_3-lit | verb_3-inf | verb_3-inf | verb_3-inf | ← | ||||||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: Der Binsensee ist überflutet, der 'Messer'-Kanal ist überschwemmt, der Ammen-Kanal öffnet sich für Nemti-em-za-ef Merenre, damit er darauf zum Horizont übersetze, zu dem Ort, wo die Götter geboren werden, damit du dort zusammen mit ihnen geboren wirst.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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