token | oraec114-281-1 | oraec114-281-2 | oraec114-281-3 | oraec114-281-4 | oraec114-281-5 | oraec114-281-6 | oraec114-281-7 | oraec114-281-8 | oraec114-281-9 | oraec114-281-10 | oraec114-281-11 | oraec114-281-12 | oraec114-281-13 | oraec114-281-14 | oraec114-281-15 | oraec114-281-16 | ← |
written form | jr | (j)ꜥr | =sn | n | =j | ꜥnḏ | jm | =sn | wnn | zmꜣ,yt | Stš | pw | ḥr | tkn | jm | =sn | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||
line count | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [155] | [156] | [156] | [156] | ← |
translation | was anbetrifft [Hervorhebungspartikel] | nahen | sie [pron. suff. 3. pl.] | hin zu, von her [Richtung] | ich [pron. suff. 1. sg.] | mangelhaft sein | (Einer) von [Zugehörigk. | sie [pron. suff. 3. pl.] | [aux.] | Genossenschaft, Trupp | GN/Seth | [im Nominalsatz] | [mit Inf./gramm.] | nahe sein, sich nähern | in, zu, an, aus [lokal] | sie [pron. suff. 3. pl.] | ← |
lemma | jr | jꜥr | =sn | n | =j | ꜥnḏ | m | =sn | wnn | zmꜣ.yt | Stẖ | pw | ḥr | tkn | m | =sn | ← |
AED ID | 851427 | 21770 | 10100 | 78870 | 10030 | 39040 | 64360 | 10100 | 46050 | 134600 | 148520 | 851517 | 107520 | 173680 | 64360 | 10100 | ← |
part of speech | preposition | verb | pronoun | preposition | pronoun | verb | preposition | pronoun | verb | substantive | entity_name | pronoun | preposition | verb | preposition | pronoun | ← |
name | gods_name | ← | |||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||
voice | ← | ||||||||||||||||
genus | ← | ||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||
numerus | ← | ||||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||||||
inflection | ← | ||||||||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_2-gem | verb_3-lit | ← | ||||||||||||
status | ← |
Translation: "Sie steigen zu mir auf, und es war Not unter ihnen", das ist Seths Bande, wie sie sich ihnen* näherte.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License