
token oraec1430-20-1 oraec1430-20-2 oraec1430-20-3 oraec1430-20-4 oraec1430-20-5 oraec1430-20-6 oraec1430-20-7 oraec1430-20-8 oraec1430-20-9 oraec1430-20-10
written form nfr =w(j) ṯw ḏd.w mʾw,t =f j(w)ꜥ,w =(j) j:ḏd.w (W)sr(,w)
line count [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655] [P/V/W 26 = 655]
translation schön sein [Admirativendung]; [Admirativpartikel] dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.] sagen Mutter [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] der Erbe [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] sagen Osiris
lemma nfr =wj ṯw ḏd mw.t =f jwꜥ.w =j ḏd Wsjr
AED ID 854519 10010 174900 185810 69040 10050 22460 10030 185810 49460
part of speech verb particle pronoun verb substantive pronoun substantive pronoun verb entity_name
name gods_name
voice active
genus masculine masculine masculine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular singular
morphology geminated
inflection participle relativeform relativeform
verbal class verb_3-lit verb_2-lit verb_2-lit
status st_pronominalis st_pronominalis

Translation: "Wie schön bist du" (ist) was seine Mutter sagt; "mein Erbe" (ist) was Osiris sagt.


Responsible: Doris Topmann

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License