
token oraec173-24-1 oraec173-24-2 oraec173-24-3 oraec173-24-4 oraec173-24-5 oraec173-24-6 oraec173-24-7 oraec173-24-8 oraec173-24-9 oraec173-24-10
written form 〈〈jy.n〉〉 =〈〈f〉〉 zmꜣ.n =f tꜣ,du ꜣbḫ.n =f sw,t n bj,t
line count [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2] [III, 2]
translation kommen [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] vereinigen [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] die Beiden Länder (Ägypten) verbinden [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] [Binse] zusammen mit Biene
lemma jwi̯ =f zmꜣ =f Tꜣ.wj ꜣbḫ =f sw.t m bj.t
AED ID 21930 10050 134180 10050 168970 89 10050 129610 64360 54200
part of speech verb pronoun verb pronoun entity_name verb pronoun substantive preposition substantive
name place_name
voice active active active
genus feminine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular
morphology n-morpheme n-morpheme n-morpheme
inflection suffixConjugation suffixConjugation suffixConjugation
verbal class verb_irr verb_3-lit verb_3-lit
status st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: (Er ist gekommen), nachdem er die beiden Länder (d.h. Ober- und Unterägypten) vereinigt und die Binse zur Biene hinzugefügt hat.


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License