token | oraec18-18-1 | oraec18-18-2 | oraec18-18-3 | oraec18-18-4 | oraec18-18-5 | oraec18-18-6 | oraec18-18-7 | oraec18-18-8 | oraec18-18-9 | oraec18-18-10 | oraec18-18-11 | oraec18-18-12 | ← |
written form | jr-m-ḫt | (w)di̯ | r | tꜣ | ḥr | | =f | r | swꜣ | ꜣ,t | jh | =f | ← |
hiero | 𓇋𓂋𓅓𓆱𓐍𓏏𓂻 | 𓂧 | 𓂋 | 𓇾𓏤𓈇 | 𓁷𓏤 | 𓌙𓌙𓌙 | 𓆑 | 𓂋 | 𓏴𓂻 | 𓄿𓏏𓀗𓇳𓏤 | 𓇋𓉔𓅪 | 𓆑 | ← |
line count | [10.7] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | [10.8] | ← |
translation | danach (vorangestellt) | legen | [lokal] | (Fuß)boden | auf | Ruhebett | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | so dass; bis dass (Konjunktion) | vorbeigehen | Augenblick | Schmerz | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | ← |
lemma | jr-m-ḫt | wdi̯ | r | tꜣ | ḥr | mnj.w | =f | r | swꜣi̯ | ꜣ.t | ꜣh.w | =f | ← |
AED ID | 28350 | 854503 | 91900 | 854573 | 107520 | 863006 | 10050 | 91900 | 129740 | 5 | 174 | 10050 | ← |
part of speech | adverb | verb | preposition | substantive | preposition | substantive | pronoun | preposition | verb | substantive | substantive | pronoun | ← |
name | ← | ||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||
voice | passive | active | ← | ||||||||||
genus | masculine | ← | |||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | ||||||||||
numerus | singular | singular | singular | singular | ← | ||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||
inflection | suffixConjugation | suffixConjugation | ← | ||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_irr | verb_4-inf | ← | ||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_pronominalis | st_constructus | st_pronominalis | ← |
Translation: Danach werde (er) auf den Boden auf seine Anlegepflöcke(?) / sein Ruhebett(?) gelegt, sodass / bis der Höhepunkt (oder: die kritische Phase) seines $jh$-Leidens vorübergeht.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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