
token oraec296-67-1 oraec296-67-2 oraec296-67-3 oraec296-67-4 oraec296-67-5 oraec296-67-6 oraec296-67-7 oraec296-67-8 oraec296-67-9 oraec296-67-10 oraec296-67-11 oraec296-67-12 oraec296-67-13 oraec296-67-14 oraec296-67-15
written form ḥꜣ~n~rʾ [bn] tw≡j ḥr 〈šni̯.t〉 rd.du =j jw =j 〈r〉 šmi̯.t r pwy.t m-ḏi̯ =tn
hiero 𓇉𓄿𓈖𓏥𓂋𓏤𓀁 𓏏𓅱𓀀 𓁷𓏤 𓂋𓂧𓂾𓂾𓄹 𓀀 𓇋𓅱 𓀀 𓈝𓅓𓏏𓂻 𓂋 𓊪𓅱𓇋𓇋𓏏𓀗𓏥 𓅓𓂞 𓏏𓈖𓏥
line count [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,2] [6,3] [6,3]
translation [Partikel (d. Wunsches)] [Negationspartikel] ich [Präs.I-Pron. sg.1.c.] [Bildungselement des Präsens I] leiden Fuß [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] [Futur III] [Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.] [Bildungselement des Futur III] gehen um zu (final) springen mit [Suffix Pron. pl.2.c.]
lemma ḥꜣ bn tw=j ḥr šni̯ rd =j jw =j r šmi̯ r pꜣi̯ m-dj =ṯn
AED ID 100160 55500 851200 107520 155480 96600 10030 21881 10030 91900 154340 91900 58780 600056 10130
part of speech particle particle pronoun preposition verb substantive pronoun particle pronoun preposition verb preposition verb preposition pronoun
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus dual
morphology t-morpheme t-morpheme t-morpheme
inflection infinitive infinitive infinitive
particle particle_nonenclitic
verbal class verb_3-inf verb_3-inf
status st_pronominalis

Translation: "Wenn ich doch [nicht] (an) meinen Füßen leiden würde, (dann) würde ich gehen, um mit euch zu springen!"


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License