token | oraec30-249-1 | oraec30-249-2 | oraec30-249-3 | oraec30-249-4 | oraec30-249-5 | oraec30-249-6 | oraec30-249-7 | oraec30-249-8 | oraec30-249-9 | oraec30-249-10 | oraec30-249-11 | oraec30-249-12 | oraec30-249-13 | oraec30-249-14 | oraec30-249-15 | oraec30-249-16 | ← |
written form | jn | smsw | n(,j) | pꜣ | ẖ | 3 | n,tj | m | ẖ,t | n(.t) | R(w)d-ḏd,t | jni̯ | =f | n | =k | sj | ← |
hiero | 𓇋𓈖 | 𓀗𓀀 | 𓈖 | 𓅯𓄿 | 𓀔𓅱𓀀𓏥 | 𓏤𓏤𓏤 | 𓈖𓏏𓏭 | 𓅓 | 𓄡𓏏𓏤 | 𓈖 | 𓂋𓂧𓌗𓏛𓊽𓂧𓏏𓁐 | 𓏎𓈖 | 𓆑 | 𓈖 | 𓎡 | 𓋴𓏭 | ← |
line count | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 7] | [9, 8] | [9, 8] | [9, 8] | [9, 8] | [9, 8] | ← |
translation | [Hervorhebungspartikel in der jn-Konstruktion (vorangestelltes Subjekt)] | ältester | von [Genitiv] | der [Artikel sg.m.] | Kind | [Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung] | der welcher (Relativpronomen) | in | Bauch | von [Genitiv] | PN/f | bringen | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | zu (jmd.) | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | sie [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.f.] | ← |
lemma | jn | sms.w | n.j | pꜣ | ẖrd | 1...n | | m | ẖ.t | n.j | jni̯ | =f | n | =k | sj | ← | |
AED ID | 851426 | 135720 | 850787 | 851446 | 854539 | 850814 | 89850 | 64360 | 122080 | 850787 | 26870 | 10050 | 78870 | 10110 | 127770 | ← | |
part of speech | particle | adjective | adjective | pronoun | substantive | numeral | pronoun | preposition | substantive | adjective | unknown | verb | pronoun | preposition | pronoun | pronoun | ← |
name | ← | ||||||||||||||||
number | cardinal | ← | |||||||||||||||
voice | active | ← | |||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | feminine | feminine | ← | |||||||||||||
pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | relative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||
numerus | singular | plural | singular | singular | ← | ||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||||||
inflection | suffixConjugation | ← | |||||||||||||||
adjective | nisbe_adjective_substantive | nisbe_adjective_preposition | nisbe_adjective_preposition | ← | |||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | ← | |||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: "Der Älteste der Dreiheit (an) Kinder(n), der im Leib der Ruddedet ist, er wird sie dir bringen."
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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