token | oraec332-13-1 | oraec332-13-2 | oraec332-13-3 | oraec332-13-4 | oraec332-13-5 | oraec332-13-6 | oraec332-13-7 | oraec332-13-8 | oraec332-13-9 | oraec332-13-10 | oraec332-13-11 | oraec332-13-12 | oraec332-13-13 | oraec332-13-14 | oraec332-13-15 | oraec332-13-16 | oraec332-13-17 | oraec332-13-18 | oraec332-13-19 | oraec332-13-20 | oraec332-13-21 | oraec332-13-22 | oraec332-13-23 | oraec332-13-24 | oraec332-13-25 | oraec332-13-26 | oraec332-13-27 | oraec332-13-28 | oraec332-13-29 | oraec332-13-30 | oraec332-13-31 | oraec332-13-32 | oraec332-13-33 | oraec332-13-34 | oraec332-13-35 | oraec332-13-36 | oraec332-13-37 | oraec332-13-38 | oraec332-13-39 | oraec332-13-40 | oraec332-13-41 | oraec332-13-42 | oraec332-13-43 | oraec332-13-44 | oraec332-13-45 | oraec332-13-46 | oraec332-13-47 | oraec332-13-48 | ← |
written form | wnn | =w | nḫt.w | r | =k | mtw | =k | ꜥm | r-ḏd | bꜣk(,t) | jṯꜣ.y | [...] | jw | m | pꜣy | ḥr,j-mr,t | jṯꜣ | sw | jw | =k | ḏi̯.t | ḏi̯ | =f | n | =k | bꜣk,t | n | hru̯ | jb | jw | pꜣy | =st | šrj | m | qnj | =st | r-mj,tt | =w | mtw | =k | jni̯.tw | =w | r | rs,j | m | pꜣy | =k | jy.t | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
line count | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.2] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.3] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.4] | [vs.5] | [vs.5] | [vs.5] | [vs.5] | ← | |
translation | [aux.] | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | stark sein | [Opposition] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | [Einleitung des Konjunktivs] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | erfahren | dass | Dienerin | stehlen | [Umstandskonverter] | [im Nominalsatz als Prädikation] | dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] | Oberster der Hörigen | stehlen | es [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.c.] | [in nicht-initialem Hauptsatz] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | veranlassen | geben | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] | hin zu | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | Dienerin | wegen (Grund, Zweck) | zufrieden sein | Herz | [Umstandskonverter] | [Poss.artikel sg.m.] | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | Sohn | in (Zustand) | Umarmung | [Suffix Pron. sg.3.f.] | ebenso | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | [Einleitung des Konjunktivs] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | bringen | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | zu (lok.) | Süden | [Präposition] | [Poss.artikel sg.m.] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | kommen | ← | |
lemma | wnn | =w | nḫt | r | =k | mtw= | =k | ꜥm | r-ḏd | bꜣk.t | jṯꜣ | jw | m | pꜣj | ḥr.j-mr.t | jṯꜣ | st | jw | =k | rḏi̯ | rḏi̯ | =f | n | =k | bꜣk.t | n | hru̯ | jb | jw | pꜣy= | =st | šrj | m | qnj | =st | r-mj.tjt | =w | mtw= | =k | jni̯ | =w | r | rs.j | m | pꜣy= | =k | jwi̯ | ← | |
AED ID | 46050 | 42370 | 87560 | 91900 | 10110 | 600030 | 10110 | 37500 | 859134 | 53870 | 33530 | 21881 | 64360 | 851661 | 855737 | 33530 | 147350 | 21881 | 10110 | 851711 | 851711 | 10050 | 78870 | 10110 | 53870 | 78870 | 99050 | 23290 | 21881 | 550021 | 851173 | 156650 | 64360 | 161180 | 851173 | 67962 | 42370 | 600030 | 10110 | 26870 | 42370 | 91900 | 96011 | 64360 | 550021 | 10110 | 21930 | ← | |
part of speech | verb | pronoun | verb | preposition | pronoun | particle | pronoun | verb | particle | substantive | verb | particle | preposition | pronoun | substantive | verb | pronoun | particle | pronoun | verb | verb | pronoun | preposition | pronoun | substantive | preposition | verb | substantive | particle | pronoun | pronoun | substantive | preposition | substantive | pronoun | adverb | pronoun | particle | pronoun | verb | pronoun | preposition | substantive | preposition | pronoun | pronoun | verb | ← | |
name | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | passive | active | active | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | feminine | masculine | masculine | masculine | feminine | masculine | masculine | masculine | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | plural | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | singular | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | t-morpheme | t-morpheme | t-morpheme | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | pseudoParticiple | infinitive | participle | participle | infinitive | suffixConjugation;special | infinitive | infinitive | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adjective | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_2-gem | verb_3-lit | verb_2-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_3-lit | verb_irr | verb_irr | verb_3-inf | verb_3-inf | verb_irr | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_pronominalis | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: Wenn sie widerspenstig sind gegen dich und (wenn) du erfährst, daß die Diener(in) Geraubte sind/(ist)? und dieser Oberste der Hörigen es ist, der sie geraubt hat, so veranlasse du ihn, eine Dienerin an dich zu übergeben als Ausgleich, die ebenso wie sie (die oben Genannte) ihren Sohn in ihren Armen hat und du sollst sie nach Süden mitbringen bei deinem Kommen.
Source: AES
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Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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