token | oraec344-11-1 | oraec344-11-2 | oraec344-11-3 | oraec344-11-4 | oraec344-11-5 | oraec344-11-6 | oraec344-11-7 | oraec344-11-8 | oraec344-11-9 | oraec344-11-10 | oraec344-11-11 | oraec344-11-12 | oraec344-11-13 | oraec344-11-14 | oraec344-11-15 | oraec344-11-16 | oraec344-11-17 | oraec344-11-18 | oraec344-11-19 | oraec344-11-20 | oraec344-11-21 | oraec344-11-22 | oraec344-11-23 | oraec344-11-24 | oraec344-11-25 | oraec344-11-26 | oraec344-11-27 | oraec344-11-28 | oraec344-11-29 | oraec344-11-30 | oraec344-11-31 | oraec344-11-32 | oraec344-11-33 | oraec344-11-34 | oraec344-11-35 | oraec344-11-36 | ← |
written form | nꜣ | š | (ḥr) | ḫdi̯ | ḫntj{tyw} | jw | =w | (ḥr) | sḥn.t | mj | ḥmt | (r) | fꜣy | ꜣḫ, | 〈m〉 | nʾ,t | r | k,tj | jw | =w | (ḥr) | sdbḥ | pꜣ | jw,tj | ḫr | jw | nꜣ | ḥtrj,pl | (ḥr) | fꜣy | nbw | pꜣ | sbqj | n | jnr | nb{.t} | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
line count | [4,8] | [4,8] | [4,8] | [4,8] | [4,8] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,9] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | [4,10] | ← |
translation | die [Artikel pl.c.] | Händler; Kaufmann | [mit Infinitiv] | stromab fahren; nordwärts reisen | stromauf fahren; südwärts fahren | [Umstandskonverter] | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | [mit Infinitiv] | beschäftigen | wie | Erz (allg.) | um zu (final) | transportieren | Sache | aus | Dorf; Stadt | zu (lok.) | die Andere | [Umstandskonverter] | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | [mit Infinitiv] | versorgen | der [Artikel sg.m.] | welche(r) nicht (invariables neg. Rel.Pron. ) | [Partikel] | [Umstandskonverter] | die [Artikel pl.c.] | die Steuererheber | [mit Infinitiv] | wegtragen (?) | Gold | der [Artikel sg.m.] | vortrefflich | [Genitiv (invariabel)] | Stein (Material) | jeder | ← |
lemma | nꜣ | š | ḥr | ḫdi̯ | ḫnti̯ | jw | =w | ḥr | sḥn | mj | ḥmt | r | fꜣi̯ | jḫ.t | m | nʾ.t | r | ky.t | jw | =w | ḥr | sdbḥ | pꜣ | | ḫr | jw | nꜣ | ḥtr.w | ḥr | fꜣi̯ | nbw | pꜣ | sbq | n.j | jnr | nb | ← |
AED ID | 851623 | 153090 | 107520 | 122000 | 119140 | 21881 | 42370 | 107520 | 140780 | 850796 | 450114 | 91900 | 63460 | 30750 | 64360 | 80890 | 91900 | 853029 | 21881 | 42370 | 107520 | 149780 | 851446 | 22030 | 119600 | 21881 | 851623 | 111910 | 107520 | 63460 | 81680 | 851446 | 401163 | 850787 | 27560 | 81660 | ← |
part of speech | pronoun | substantive | preposition | verb | verb | particle | pronoun | preposition | verb | preposition | substantive | preposition | verb | substantive | preposition | substantive | preposition | substantive | particle | pronoun | preposition | verb | pronoun | pronoun | particle | particle | pronoun | epitheton_title | preposition | verb | substantive | pronoun | adjective | adjective | substantive | adjective | ← |
name | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
genus | masculine | feminine | feminine | masculine | masculine | masculine | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | relative_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
numerus | plural | singular | plural | singular | singular | plural | singular | singular | singular | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
epitheton | title | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | t-morpheme | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | infinitive | infinitive | infinitive | infinitive | infinitive | infinitive | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adjective | nisbe_adjective_preposition | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
particle | particle_nonenclitic | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | verb_4-inf | verb_caus_2-lit | verb_3-inf | verb_caus_3-lit | verb_3-inf | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | st_absolutus | ← |
Translation: Die Kaufleute fahren eisern (wörtl.: indem sie beschäftigt sind wie Erz) stromab und stromauf, (um) Güter 〈von〉 einer Stadt in eine andere zu transportieren und (wörtl.: indem sie) den zu versorgen, der nichts hat, wohingegen die Steuereintreiber das Gold wegtragen, das vortrefflich(st)e aller Gesteine.
Source: AES
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Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
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