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written form ḥtp-ḏi̯-nswt Wsjr nb-Ḏd(,w) ḫnt(,j)-jmn,tj.pl nb-ꜣbd(w) pr,t-ḫrw 〈n(,j)〉 ḫꜣ ḥnq,t kꜣ ꜣpd šs mnḫ,t (j)ḫ,t nb(.t) nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) wꜥb n(,j) pr Mnṯ,w dbḥ,t-ḥtp.pl m pr Wsjr ḥn[k,t] n.t nb,t-[Jwn,t] ḏsr[,t] ⸢ḥḏ⸣.t Ḥz(ꜣ),t šns.du mhr.du tp.pl wpi̯.w n(,j) Rꜥ(w) ḏs =f qbḥ,w n.w nṯr nb ⸢m⸣ [ḥz],t.pl šps.t.pl wꜥb,t.pl tp(,j)-rnp,t pꜣ(w),t.pl ḥb.pl n.w p,t ꜥꜣb,t n.t nb-nṯr.pl kꜣ.pl jwꜣ.pl ꜥw,t.pl ḫꜣs,t.pl ḏꜣ,t.pl rʾ.pl ꜣpd.pl tʾ.pl n(,j) ḥsb ḥnq,t.pl ꜥnḏw.du dfꜣ.pl n.w nb-ꜣbḏw mrr.t ꜣḫ.pl wn(m) jm
hiero 𓇓𓏏𓊵𓏙 𓁹𓊨 𓎟𓊽𓂧𓊖 𓏃𓈖𓏏𓋀𓅂𓏥𓀭 𓎟𓍋𓃀𓂧𓊖 𓉐𓊤𓏐𓏊 𓆼 𓏐 𓏊 𓃒 𓅾 𓍱𓏤 𓐍𓏏 𓎟 𓄤 𓃂𓏏 𓏐 𓃂 𓈖 𓉐𓏤 𓏠𓈖𓍿 𓂧𓄑𓏏𓏥𓊵𓏏𓊪𓏒𓏥 𓅓 𓉐𓏤 𓁹𓊨 [⯑] 𓈖𓏏 [⯑] 𓂦𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓌉𓏏𓏥 𓎛𓊃𓏏𓃕 𓍲𓈖𓋴𓏐𓏭 𓂞𓉔𓂋𓏊𓏊 𓁶𓏤𓏥 𓄋𓅱𓏥 𓂋𓏤 𓈖 𓇳𓀭 𓆓𓋴 𓆑 �𓅱𓈗 𓏌𓏤 𓊹𓏤 𓎟 𓅓 [⯑] 𓀻𓏏𓏥 𓃂𓏏𓏥 𓌐𓆳 𓏖𓏥 𓎱𓏥 𓏌𓏤 𓊪𓏏𓇯 𓉻𓂝𓃀𓏏𓏒 𓈖𓏏 𓎟𓊹𓏥 𓂸𓃓𓏥 𓇋𓍯𓃒𓏥 𓋿𓂝𓅱𓏏𓏥𓃲 𓈉𓏏𓏤𓏥 𓍑𓏏𓏛𓅡𓏥 𓂋𓏤𓅭𓏥 𓄿𓊪𓂧𓅪𓏥 𓏐𓏒𓏥 𓈖 𓐎𓏛 𓎛𓈎𓏏𓏊𓏤𓏥 𓂝𓈖𓈋𓏊𓏊 𓂧𓆑𓄿𓆞𓏥 𓏌𓏤 𓎟𓍋𓃀𓈋𓊖 𓌸𓂋𓂋𓏏 𓐍𓅜𓏛𓏥 𓇬𓀁 𓇋𓅓
line count [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [7] [7] [7] [7]
translation Totenopfer Osiris Herr von Busiris (Osiris, Horus u.a.) Chontamenti ("der an der Spitze der Westlichen ist") Herr von Abydos (Osiris u.a. Götter) Totenopfer von [Genitiv] tausend Brot (allg.) Bier Stier Geflügel (koll.) Alabastergefäß Gewand Opfer alle gut rein Brot (allg.) rein von [Genitiv] Gut Month Opferbedarf aus Gut Osiris Opfergabe von [Genitiv] Herrin von Dendera [ein Bier (aus der Djeseret-Pflanze?)] weiß Hesat [ein Gebäck]; [ein Kuchen] Milchkrug Bestes (von) öffnen Mund von [Genitiv] Re Selbst [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] Wasserspende von [Genitiv] Gott jeder in Wasserflasche (Kultgefäß) herrlich Opferspeisen (das Reine) Jahresanfang (ein Fest) Brot Fest von [Genitiv] Himmel Spende von [Genitiv] Herr der Götter Stier Langhornrind; Ochse (allg.); männliches Tier Kleinvieh Fremdland grauer Kranich Graugans Geflügel (koll.) Brot (allg.) von [Genitiv] rechnen; zählen; zuteilen Bier [ein Topf] Nahrung; Speise von [Genitiv] Herr von Abydos (Osiris u.a. Götter) wünschen Ach-Geist; Verklärter (seliger Toter) essen davon
lemma ḥtp-ḏi̯-nswt Wsjr nb-Ḏd.w ḫnt.j-jmn.tjw nb-Ꜣbḏ.w pr.t-ḫrw n.j ḫꜣ ḥnq.t kꜣ ꜣpd šs mnḫ.t jḫ.t nb nfr wꜥb wꜥb n.j pr Mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr Wsjr ḥnk.t n.j nb.t-Jwn.t ḏsr.t ḥḏ Ḥzꜣ.t šns mhr tp wpi̯ n.j Rꜥw ḏs =f qbḥ.w n.j nṯr nb m ḥz.t šps.j wꜥb.t Tp-rnp.t pꜣw.t ḥꜣb n.j p.t ꜥꜣb.t n.j nb-nṯr.w kꜣ jwꜣ ꜥw.t ḫꜣs.t ḏꜣ.t ꜣpd n.j ḥsb ḥnq.t ꜥnḏ.yt ḏfꜣ n.j nb-Ꜣbḏ.w mri̯ ꜣḫ wnm jm
AED ID 111510 49460 400982 119180 400976 850238 850787 113110 168810 110300 162930 107 156950 71170 30750 81660 550034 400114 168810 400114 850787 60220 71660 178850 64360 60220 49460 107190 850787 851920 185590 112300 109540 156230 73210 854577 45640 92560 850787 400015 854591 10050 160330 850787 90260 81660 64360 109330 400546 44570 171190 58820 103300 850787 58710 35330 850787 852204 162930 22160 35870 114300 181650 92640 107 168810 850787 109870 110300 39090 183850 850787 400976 72470 203 46710 24640
part of speech substantive entity_name epitheton_title epitheton_title epitheton_title substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective adjective adjective substantive adjective adjective substantive entity_name substantive preposition substantive entity_name substantive adjective epitheton_title substantive adjective entity_name substantive substantive substantive verb substantive adjective entity_name substantive pronoun substantive adjective substantive adjective preposition substantive adjective substantive entity_name substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective epitheton_title substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective verb substantive substantive substantive adjective epitheton_title verb substantive verb adverb
name gods_name gods_name gods_name gods_name gods_name artifact_name
voice active
genus masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular dual dual plural plural singular singular singular singular plural singular singular plural plural plural plural plural plural singular singular singular singular plural plural singular plural plural plural singular singular singular singular dual singular plural singular plural
epitheton epith_god epith_god epith_god epith_god epith_god epith_god
morphology prefixed
inflection participle infinitive relativeform infinitive
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_substantive nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
adverb prepositional_adverb
verbal class verb_3-inf verb_3-lit verb_3-inf verb_3-lit
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_pronominalis st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: An offering which the king gives and Osiris, lord of Busiris, foremost of the westerners, lord of Abydos: an invocation offering of a thousand of bread and beer, bulls and birds, alabaster vessels and clothes, all good and pure things, pure bread of the estate of Montu, the required offerings of the estate of Osiris, the $ḥnk,t$-offering of the Mistress of [Dendera, white milk] of the divine cow, the two $šns$-breads, the two $mhr$-jars, the best (things) which open the mouth of Re himself, the libations of every god in the noble $ḥz,t$-vessels, the provisions of the festival of the first day of the year, the $pꜣ(w),t$-breads of the festivals of heaven, the great offering of the lord of the gods: bulls, $jwꜣ$-cattle, small cattle from (lit. "of") the foreign lands, cranes, $rʾ$-geese, fowl, bread of reckoning (?), two $ꜥnḏ$-vessels of beer, food offerings of the lord of Abydos, (all) that of which the transformed spirits like to eat,


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