
token oraec52-139-1 oraec52-139-2 oraec52-139-3 oraec52-139-4 oraec52-139-5 oraec52-139-6 oraec52-139-7 oraec52-139-8 oraec52-139-9 oraec52-139-10 oraec52-139-11 oraec52-139-12 oraec52-139-13 oraec52-139-14 oraec52-139-15 oraec52-139-16 oraec52-139-17 oraec52-139-18 oraec52-139-19 oraec52-139-20 oraec52-139-21 oraec52-139-22 oraec52-139-23 oraec52-139-24 oraec52-139-25 oraec52-139-26 oraec52-139-27 oraec52-139-28 oraec52-139-29 oraec52-139-30 oraec52-139-31 oraec52-139-32 oraec52-139-33 oraec52-139-34 oraec52-139-35 oraec52-139-36 oraec52-139-37 oraec52-139-38 oraec52-139-39 oraec52-139-40 oraec52-139-41 oraec52-139-42 oraec52-139-43 oraec52-139-44 oraec52-139-45 oraec52-139-46 oraec52-139-47 oraec52-139-48 oraec52-139-49 oraec52-139-50 oraec52-139-51 oraec52-139-52 oraec52-139-53 oraec52-139-54 oraec52-139-55 oraec52-139-56 oraec52-139-57 oraec52-139-58 oraec52-139-59 oraec52-139-60 oraec52-139-61 oraec52-139-62 oraec52-139-63 oraec52-139-64 oraec52-139-65 oraec52-139-66 oraec52-139-67 oraec52-139-68 oraec52-139-69 oraec52-139-70 oraec52-139-71 oraec52-139-72 oraec52-139-73 oraec52-139-74 oraec52-139-75 oraec52-139-76 oraec52-139-77 oraec52-139-78 oraec52-139-79 oraec52-139-80 oraec52-139-81 oraec52-139-82 oraec52-139-83 oraec52-139-84 oraec52-139-85 oraec52-139-86 oraec52-139-87 oraec52-139-88 oraec52-139-89 oraec52-139-90 oraec52-139-91 oraec52-139-92 oraec52-139-93 oraec52-139-94 oraec52-139-95 oraec52-139-96 oraec52-139-97 oraec52-139-98 oraec52-139-99 oraec52-139-100 oraec52-139-101 oraec52-139-102 oraec52-139-103 oraec52-139-104 oraec52-139-105
written form psḏ 1 jwr,yt 1 ꜥmꜥꜥ 1 ḏꜣr,t 1 ws,t n(,j).t ꜥš 1 ws,t n(,j).t mry 1 ws,t n(,j).t tjr.t 1 ws,t n(,j).t nbs 1 ws,t n(,j).t nh,t 1 ws,t n(,j).t wꜥn 1 ḏrḏ n(,j) šnd,t 1 ḏrḏ n(,j) nbs 1 ḏrḏ n(,j) jꜣm 1 ḏrḏ n(,j) nh,t 1 dšr 1 pr,t jꜣm 1 mrḥ,t ḥḏ.t 1 mrḥ,t ⸮ꜣpd? 1 ḥs šꜣ 1 pr,t-šnj 1 ꜥntj,w 1 ḥḏ,w 1 šnj-tꜣ 1 ⸮jbḥ? n(,j) gy,t 1 bdd,w-kꜣ 1 tjw 1 bsbs 1 ⸮jbw-mḥ,(w)y{.t}? 1 (j)ny,t n(,j).t mḥj 1 ḥmꜣ,t-mḥ,t 1 ḥmꜣ,t n(,j).t ḫꜣs,t 1 jnb 1 mnš,t 〈1〉 st{t}〈j〉 1 ḥsmn 1 ꜥd jḥ 〈1〉 šꜣšꜣ 1
hiero 𓇶𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓃛𓅱𓂋𓇋𓇋𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓂝𓅓𓂝𓂝𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓍑𓄿𓂋𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓂝𓈙𓐎𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓌸𓂋𓇋𓇋𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓍘𓂋𓏏𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓈖𓃀𓋴𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓈖𓉔𓏏𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌪 𓈖𓏏 𓅱𓂝𓈖𓐎𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓄔𓏤 𓈖 𓍲𓂧𓏏𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓄔𓏤 𓈖 𓈖𓃀𓋴𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓄔𓏤 𓈖 𓆭𓆱𓅓𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓄔𓏤 𓈖 𓈖𓉔𓏏𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓂧𓈙𓂋𓀗𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓍁𓏏𓏥 𓆭𓆱𓅓𓆭𓆱 𓏤 𓌸𓂋𓎛𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓌉𓆓𓏏𓇳 𓏤 𓌸𓂋𓎛𓏏𓏌𓏥 𓅬 𓏤 𓎛𓋴𓐎𓏥 𓆷𓄿𓃟 𓏤 𓍁𓏏𓏥𓁸𓏥𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓂝𓈖𓅂𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓌉𓅱𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓁸𓏥𓇾𓈇𓏤𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓄑 𓈖 𓎼𓇋𓇋𓏏𓆰 𓏤 𓃀𓂧𓂧𓅱𓂓𓂸𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓏏𓇋𓅱𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓃀𓋴𓃀𓋴𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓃙𓇇𓇋𓇋𓏏𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓈖𓇋𓇋𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓈖𓏏 𓎔𓂝𓎛𓏭𓄦𓆰𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓌳𓏏𓎔𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓌳𓏏 𓈖𓏏 𓈉𓏏𓏤𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓇋𓆛𓈖𓃀𓆰 𓏤 𓏠𓈖𓈙𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓐮𓏏𓏏𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎛𓋴𓏠𓈖𓍖𓈒𓏥 𓏤 𓎙𓂧𓏌𓏥 𓃒𓏤 𓆷𓄿𓆷𓄿𓈒𓏥 𓏤
line count [82,22] [82,22] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,1] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,2] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,3] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,4] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,5] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,6] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,7] [83,8] [83,8]
translation Schote Langbohne Korn (des Getreides) Johannisbrotfrucht Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] libanesische Tanne Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] Zeder (des Libanon) Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] Weide Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] Christusdorn Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] Sykomore, Sykomorenfeige Sägemehl (offizinell) von [Genitiv] Wacholderbaum Blätter (der Bäume) von [Genitiv] Dornakazie (Nilakazie) Blätter (der Bäume) von [Genitiv] Christusdorn Blätter (der Bäume) von [Genitiv] [ein Laubbaum mit Früchten] Blätter (der Bäume) von [Genitiv] Sykomore, Sykomorenfeige [pflanzlicher Teil (v. Körnern)]; [mineralischer Stoff ?] Frucht (einer Pflanze); Saatkorn [ein Laubbaum mit Früchten] Öl weiß; hell Fett (allg.) Vogel (allg.); Geflügel (koll.) Exkremente, Kot Schwein [eine Frucht] Myrrhenharz (für Salböl und Weihrauch) Zwiebel; Knoblauch [eine Pflanze aus dem Wadi Natrun] Stachel (?) von [Genitiv] [Pflanze (offizinell)] [Pflanze] [eine Pflanze (med.)] [Pflanze oder Frucht (offizinell)] [offizinell Verwendetes] Samen (?); Kern (?) von [Genitiv] Flachs; Lein unterägyptisches Salz Salz von [Genitiv] Bergland [eine Pflanze] [ein mineralischer Stoff (roter Ocker ?)] Ocker Natron Fett (vom Tier) Rind [Frucht (offizinell)]
lemma psḏ jwr.yt ꜥmꜥꜥ ḏꜣr.t ws.t n.j ꜥš ws.t n.j mrw ws.t n.j Ṯr.t ws.t n.j nbs ws.t n.j nh.t ws.t n.j wꜥn ḏrḏ n.j šnḏ.t ḏrḏ n.j nbs ḏrḏ n.j jꜣm ḏrḏ n.j nh.t dšr pr.t jꜣm mrḥ.t ḥḏ mrḥ.t ꜣpd ḥs šꜣj pr.t-šnj ꜥnt.w ḥḏ.w šnj-tꜣ jbḥ n.j gy.t bdd.w-kꜣ tjw bsbs jbw-Mḥ.w jnj.t n.j mḥꜥ.w ḥmꜣ.t-mḥ.wjt ḥmꜣ.t n.j ḫꜣs.t jnb mnš.t ztj ḥzmn ꜥḏ jḥ šꜣšꜣ
AED ID 62440 22980 37770 182260 49450 850787 40940 49450 850787 72620 49450 850787 870902 49450 850787 82810 49450 850787 85290 49450 850787 44660 185150 850787 156510 185150 850787 82810 185150 850787 24810 185150 850787 85290 180740 60310 24810 72840 112300 72840 107 109370 151350 852154 39010 112710 155670 23830 850787 166650 861516 169960 57440 875456 26930 850787 450266 862952 105070 850787 114300 27200 71380 147520 110020 41980 30410 151960
part of speech substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective entity_name substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive adjective substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive substantive
name gods_name
genus masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine feminine feminine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine feminine feminine masculine feminine feminine feminine feminine masculine feminine masculine masculine masculine
numerus singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular singular
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus st_constructus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: $psḏ$-Schoten: 1, Langbohnen: 1, $ꜥmꜥꜥ$-Körner (des Emmers / der Gerste?): 1, Johannisbrot: 1, Sägemehl der $ꜥš$-Konifere: 1, Sägemehl der Libanonzeder (?): 1, Sägemehl der Weide: 1, Sägemehl des Christdorns: 1, Sägemehl der Sykomore: 1, Sägemehl des Wacholders: 1, Blätter der Dornakazie: 1, Blätter des Christdorns: 1, Blätter des $jꜣm$-Laubbaumes: 1, Blätter der Sykomore: 1, Leinsamen (?): 1, Früchte/Samen des $jꜣm$-Laubbaumes: 1, weißes Öl: 1, Gänsefett: 1, Schweinekot: 1, „Haarfrüchte“: 1, Myrrhe: 1, Zwiebeln/Knoblauch: 1, „Erdhaar“-Pflanzen: 1, „Zahn“ (d.h. Stachel?) der $gy.t$-Pflanze: 1, Flaschenkürbis: 1, $tjw$-Pflanzen: 1, $bsbs$-Pflanzen: 1, unterägyptische $jbw$-Pflanzen (?): 1, Kerne/Samen vom Flachs: 1, unterägyptisches Salz: 1, Salz vom Bergland: 1, $jnb$-Pflanzen: 1, Roter Ocker: 〈1〉, Ocker: 1, Natron: 1, Rinderfett: 〈1〉, $šꜣšꜣ$-Früchte: 1.


Responsible: Lutz Popko

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License