
token oraec538-24-1 oraec538-24-2 oraec538-24-3 oraec538-24-4 oraec538-24-5 oraec538-24-6 oraec538-24-7 oraec538-24-8 oraec538-24-9 oraec538-24-10
written form [jw] tꜣ pn ẖr ḥzz.w nswt m ḥz(w),t n.t [...]
hiero 𓇾 𓊪𓈖 𓌨𓂋 𓎛𓎿𓊃𓊃𓅱𓀀 𓇓𓏏𓈖𓅆 𓅓 𓎛𓎿𓊃𓏏𓏛 𓈖𓏏
line count [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19] [19]
translation [zur Satzmarkierung und in komplexen Verbformen] Land (geogr.-polit.) dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] unter (der Aufsicht) loben König durch (etwas) Gunst von [Genitiv]
lemma jw tꜣ pn ẖr ḥzi̯ nswt m ḥzw.t n.j
AED ID 21881 854573 59920 850794 109620 88040 64360 109800 850787
part of speech particle substantive pronoun preposition verb substantive preposition substantive adjective
voice passive
genus masculine masculine feminine feminine
pronoun demonstrative_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular singular
morphology prefixed
inflection participle
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_3-inf
status st_absolutus st_absolutus st_absolutus

Translation: This land was under the supervision of one who was praised by the king through the favour of [... ... ... ... ...]


Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License