token | oraec886-19-1 | oraec886-19-2 | oraec886-19-3 | oraec886-19-4 | oraec886-19-5 | oraec886-19-6 | oraec886-19-7 | oraec886-19-8 | oraec886-19-9 | oraec886-19-10 | oraec886-19-11 | oraec886-19-12 | oraec886-19-13 | oraec886-19-14 | oraec886-19-15 | oraec886-19-16 | oraec886-19-17 | oraec886-19-18 | oraec886-19-19 | oraec886-19-20 | oraec886-19-21 | oraec886-19-22 | ← |
written form | ṯzi̯ | ṯw | jr | =k | N(j),t | pw | mꜣ | =k | jꜣ, | =k | ḥr,w(j).t | ḥꜣ, | =sn | jsṯ | mꜣ | =k | jꜣ, | =k | ⸢s⸣tš.t | ḥꜣ, | =sn | jsṯ | ← |
hiero | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
line count | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 6 = 663] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | [Nt/F/E sup 7 = 664] | ← |
translation | aufrichten | dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.] | [Partikel (nachgestellt zur Betonung)] | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | Neith | dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] | sehen | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | Hügel | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | horisch ("zu Horus gehörig") | Grab | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | und; [enkl. Partikel (zur Koordination)] | sehen | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | Hügel | [Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.] | sethisch ("zu Seth gehörig") | Grab | [Suffix Pron. pl.3.c.] | und; [enkl. Partikel (zur Koordination)] | ← |
lemma | ṯzi̯ | ṯw | jr | =k | Nj.t | pw | mꜣꜣ | =k | jꜣ.t | =k | ḥr.wj | ḥꜣ.t | =sn | jsṯ | mꜣꜣ | =k | jꜣ.t | =k | stẖ.j | ḥꜣ.t | =sn | jsṯ | ← |
AED ID | 854581 | 174900 | 28170 | 10110 | 702960 | 851517 | 66270 | 10110 | 20120 | 10110 | 852039 | 100280 | 10100 | 851440 | 66270 | 10110 | 20120 | 10110 | 852040 | 100280 | 10100 | 851440 | ← |
part of speech | verb | pronoun | particle | pronoun | entity_name | pronoun | verb | pronoun | substantive | pronoun | adjective | substantive | pronoun | particle | verb | pronoun | substantive | pronoun | adjective | substantive | pronoun | particle | ← |
name | person_name | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
number | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
voice | active | active | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||
genus | feminine | feminine | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||
pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | demonstrative_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | personal_pronoun | ← | |||||||||||||
numerus | singular | plural | plural | plural | plural | plural | plural | ← | |||||||||||||||
epitheton | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
morphology | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
inflection | imperative | suffixConjugation | suffixConjugation | ← | |||||||||||||||||||
adjective | nisbe_adjective_substantive | nisbe_adjective_substantive | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||
particle | particle_enclitic | ← | |||||||||||||||||||||
adverb | ← | ||||||||||||||||||||||
verbal class | verb_3-inf | verb_2-gem | verb_2-gem | ← | |||||||||||||||||||
status | st_pronominalis | st_pronominalis | st_pronominalis | st_pronominalis | ← |
Translation: So richte dich doch auf, Neith, und sieh deine horischen Hügel und ihre Gräber, sieh deine sethischen Hügel und ihre Gräber.
Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License