Jmn-m-Jp.t (26250)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma Jmn-m-Jp.t, "Amun von Luxor" (for more info check AED link: 26250 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec1040-5
(Rto 10.9-11.5: Brief mit guten Wünschen bei den Göttern von Theben / pBologna 1094 = KS 3162 (Miscellanies)), [11.2]
- oraec3992-7
(Text 2: Gebet an thebanische Gottheiten / pChassinat III〈 = pLouvre E 25353〉), [5]
- oraec1001-2
(Brief eines theban. Beamten an [Djehuti-mesu] / pBN 198.I), [5]