nwd.t (81590)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma nwd.t, "Wundsalbe" (for more info check AED link: 81590 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec24-93
(36,4-44,12 = Eb 188-220: "Erfahrungswissen zum Magenleiden" (das "Magenbuch") / Papyrus Ebers), [39,19]
- oraec52-1
(79,5-85,16 = Eb 627-696: Salbmittel zur Gefäßbehandlung / Papyrus Ebers), [79,5]
- oraec52-227
(79,5-85,16 = Eb 627-696: Salbmittel zur Gefäßbehandlung / Papyrus Ebers), [85,2]
- oraec52-37
(79,5-85,16 = Eb 627-696: Salbmittel zur Gefäßbehandlung / Papyrus Ebers), [80,2]
- oraec52-42
(79,5-85,16 = Eb 627-696: Salbmittel zur Gefäßbehandlung / Papyrus Ebers), [80,4]
- oraec219-37
(70,1-71,21 = Eb 515-542: "Heilmittel zum Ausheilen von Wunden am Leib" / Papyrus Ebers), [70,18]
- oraec1122-12
(64,5-64,12 = Eb 432-436: Rezepte gegen Bisswunden / Papyrus Ebers), [64,9]