List of all collocations of šꜣm.w, "schmutzige Wäsche" (151800)
Statistical overview
Number of occurrences: 5
Number of collocation partners: 20
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:
Alphabetical overview
- =j, "[Suffix Pron. sg.1.c.]" (AED link: 10030) - 18 Cooccurrences
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050) - 2 Cooccurrences
- =k, "[Suffix Pron. sg.2.m.]" (AED link: 10110) - 1 Cooccurrence
- =tw, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.c.]" (AED link: 170100) - 3 Cooccurrences
- ꜣ, "doch (zur Verstärkung); [Partikel]" (AED link: 2) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jꜥi̯, "waschen" (AED link: 21550) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ꜥḥꜣ, "kämpfen; bekämpfen" (AED link: 39920) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ꜥḥꜥ, "aufstehen" (AED link: 851887) - 2 Cooccurrences
- pnq, "schöpfen; ausschöpfen; gießen" (AED link: 60130) - 2 Cooccurrences
- m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360) - 2 Cooccurrences
- mw.y, "Feuchtigkeit; Harn" (AED link: 69200) - 2 Cooccurrences
- mrj, "Lotstange (?) Schleusenstange (?)" (AED link: 851906) - 2 Cooccurrences
- mz, "herbeibringen; herantreten; gehen; sich begeben" (AED link: 74700) - 2 Cooccurrences
- n, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 78870) - 3 Cooccurrences
-, "der welcher (Relativpronomen)" (AED link: 89850) - 2 Cooccurrences
- r, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 91900) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ẖ.t, "Leib; Bauch; Art; Weise" (AED link: 122080) - 2 Cooccurrences
- snfi̯, "atmen lassen" (AED link: 137270) - 2 Cooccurrences
- tw, "du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.m.]; du; dich [Enkl. Pron. sg.2.f.]" (AED link: 851182) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḏd, "sagen; mitteilen" (AED link: 185810) - 3 Cooccurrences
Sorted by frequency
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