List of all collocations of wꜥ-nṯr.j, "der göttliche Einzigartige" (874373)
Statistical overview
Number of occurrences: 3
Number of collocation partners: 60
Percentage of part of speech of collocation partners:
Alphabetical overview
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" (AED link: 10050) - 12 Cooccurrences
- 1...n, "[Kardinalzahl (ganze Zahlen und Brüche) in Ziffernschreibung]" (AED link: 850814) - 3 Cooccurrences
- ꜣḫ, "herrlich; nützlich; verklärt" (AED link: 600475) - 3 Cooccurrences
- Jtm.w, "Atum" (AED link: 33040) - 2 Cooccurrences
- jṯi̯, "nehmen; ergreifen; erobern" (AED link: 33560) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ꜥnḫ, "leben" (AED link: 38530) - 2 Cooccurrences
- wꜥb, "rein" (AED link: 400114) - 2 Cooccurrences
- wꜥf, "(etwas) niederbeugen; niederwerfen; krumm sein; zurechtbiegen" (AED link: 44640) - 2 Cooccurrences
-, "König von Unterägypten" (AED link: 54240) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Psḏ.t, "Götterneunheit" (AED link: 62500) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Pḏ.wt-9, "die Neun-Bogenvölker (neun feindliche Völker, Fremdvölker)" (AED link: 853581) - 1 Cooccurrence
- pr.t, "Frucht (einer Pflanze); Saatkorn; Nachkommenschaft (bildl.)" (AED link: 60310) - 2 Cooccurrences
- pri̯, "herauskommen; herausgehen" (AED link: 60920) - 4 Cooccurrences
- pḏ.t, "Barbarenstamm ("Bogenvolk")" (AED link: 63280) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Mw.t, "Mut" (AED link: 69030) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Mnw, "Min" (AED link: 70530) - 1 Cooccurrence
- m, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 64360) - 2 Cooccurrences
-, "Gleicher; Gleiches" (AED link: 67930) - 2 Cooccurrences
- mri̯, "lieben; wünschen" (AED link: 72470) - 2 Cooccurrences
- msi̯, "gebären; erzeugen; schaffen" (AED link: 74950) - 2 Cooccurrences
- n.j, "gehörig zu" (AED link: 850787) - 4 Cooccurrences
- nb.t-p.t, "Herrin des Himmels (Hathor, Isis u.a.)" (AED link: 82080) - 2 Cooccurrences
-, "die beiden Herrinnen (Nebtiname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400065) - 2 Cooccurrences
- nb-jr.t-jḫ.t, "Herr des Rituals" (AED link: 400354) - 2 Cooccurrences
- nb-Ḥfꜣ.t, "Herr von Hefat" (AED link: 878486) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nb-Gbtw, "Herr von Koptos (Min)" (AED link: 852016) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nb-Tꜣ.wj, "Herr der Beiden Länder (Könige)" (AED link: 400038) - 2 Cooccurrences
- nfr, "Schönheit; Güte; Vollkommenheit" (AED link: 83520) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nfr.w, "Schönheit; die Güte; gute Dinge; Kostbares; gutes Wesen" (AED link: 854638) - 1 Cooccurrence
- nn, "[Negationspartikel]" (AED link: 851961) - 2 Cooccurrences
-, "König von Ober- und Unterägypten; König von OÄg. u. UÄg. (Thronname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 88060) - 4 Cooccurrences
- nṯr-nfr, "der vollkommene Gott (König); der vollkommene Gott (Gott)" (AED link: 90390) - 2 Cooccurrences
- r, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 91900) - 6 Cooccurrences
- rnp.t-zp, "Regierungsjahr" (AED link: 850581) - 2 Cooccurrences
- rnn, "liebkosen; (ein Kind) warten; aufziehen" (AED link: 854524) - 2 Cooccurrences
- rs.j-jnb=f, "der südlich von seiner Mauer (meist Ptah von Memphis)" (AED link: 96100) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Ḥmn, "Hemen" (AED link: 105550) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Ḥr.w, "Horus (Horusname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400034) - 3 Cooccurrences
- Ḥr.w, "Horus (der König) (bildl., selbstständig gebraucht)" (AED link: 850587) - 1 Cooccurrence
- Ḥr.w-nbw, "Goldhorus (Goldname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 400069) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥꜥ.w-nṯr, "Gottesleib (Körper des Gottes und des Königs)" (AED link: 102030) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḥm, "Majestät" (AED link: 104690) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Ḫw-Tꜣ.wj, "[Goldname Taharqas]" (AED link: 863228) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Ḫwi̯-Nfr-tm-Rꜥw, "[Thronname Taharqas]" (AED link: 862991) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḫpr (m-sꜣ), "jmd. verfolgen" (AED link: 858535) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḫnm, "Kind warten; versorgen" (AED link: 118080) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḫnt, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 850802) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḫr, "[Präposition]" (AED link: 850795) - 2 Cooccurrences
- zꜣ-Jmn, "Sohn des Amun" (AED link: 400867) - 1 Cooccurrence
- zꜣ-Jmn-Rꜥw, "Sohn des Amun-Re" (AED link: 874370) - 2 Cooccurrences
- zꜣ-Rꜥw, "Sohn des Re (Eigenname der Königstitulatur)" (AED link: 126020) - 1 Cooccurrence
- snq, "säugen; saugen" (AED link: 138280) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Qꜣ-ḫꜥ.w, "[Horusname Taharqas]; [Nebtiname Taharqas]" (AED link: 863225) - 4 Cooccurrences
- qmꜣ, "werfen; schaffen; erzeugen; ersinnen; (Metall) hämmern; treiben" (AED link: 854564) - 2 Cooccurrences
- Thr-qꜣ, "Taharqa" (AED link: 862990) - 2 Cooccurrences
- tꜣ, "Erde; Land (als Element des Kosmos); Land (geogr.-polit.); Ägypten; Erdreich (stofflich); Ackerboden; bebaubares Land; [ein Flächenmaß]" (AED link: 854573) - 2 Cooccurrences
- tj.t, "Zeichen; Figur; Gestalt; Fleck; Muster" (AED link: 169790) - 3 Cooccurrences
- ṯmꜣ-ꜥ, "der mit kräftigem Arm" (AED link: 175470) - 2 Cooccurrences
- dmḏ, "zusammenfügen; (sich) vereinigen; vereinigt sein; zusammentreffen" (AED link: 179420) - 2 Cooccurrences
- ḏ.t, "ewig, ewiglich" (AED link: 181401) - 2 Cooccurrences
Sorted by frequency
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