
token oraec3-557-1 oraec3-557-2 oraec3-557-3 oraec3-557-4 oraec3-557-5 oraec3-557-6 oraec3-557-7 oraec3-557-8 oraec3-557-9 oraec3-557-10 oraec3-557-11 oraec3-557-12 oraec3-557-13 oraec3-557-14 oraec3-557-15
written form di̯ =s 〈st〉 n sḏ,t nsr,t =s jm =f m rn =s pwy n sḏ,t
hiero 𓂞𓏏 𓋴 𓈖 𓏴𓏛𓊮 𓈖𓄓𓊃𓂋𓏏𓊮 𓋴 𓇋𓅓𓏤𓏛 𓆑 𓅓 𓂋𓈖𓅆 𓊃 𓊪𓅱𓇋𓇋𓏭𓏛 𓈖 𓏴𓏛𓊮
line count [27,15] [27,15] [27,15] [27,15] [27,15] [27,15] [27,15] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16] [27,16]
translation legen [Suffix Pron.sg.3.f.] es [Enkl. Pron. sg.3.c.] in Feuer Flamme [Suffix Pron.sg.3.f.] an [Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.] in (der Art) Name [Suffix Pron.sg.3.f.] dieser [Dem.Pron. sg.m.] [Genitiv (invariabel)] Feuer
lemma rḏi̯ =s st m sḏ.t nsr.t =s m =f m rn =s pwy n.j sḏ.t
AED ID 851711 10090 147350 64360 150140 88300 10090 64360 10050 64360 94700 10090 851522 850787 150140
part of speech verb pronoun pronoun preposition substantive substantive pronoun preposition pronoun preposition substantive pronoun pronoun adjective substantive
voice active
genus feminine feminine
pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun personal_pronoun demonstrative_pronoun
numerus singular singular singular singular
inflection suffixConjugation
adjective nisbe_adjective_preposition
verbal class verb_irr
status st_absolutus st_pronominalis st_pronominalis st_absolutus

Translation: "Sie legt 〈es〉 ins Feuer (und) ihre Flamme ist an ihm in diesem ihrem Namen des Feuers!"


Responsible: Frank Feder

Source: AES
Responsive design: ZURB
Fonts: Charis SIL and Egyptian Hiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License