wꜥ.tj (44240)
This word prefers certain other words in its environment. Look at the collocations here!
The lemma wꜥ.tj, "Ziege" (for more info check AED link: 44240 & VÉgA entry) appears in these sentences:
- oraec699-7
(oberhalb Durchgang / Nordwand), [Sz.9.1.1⁝Mitte]
- oraec673-5
(〈Stele des Montuhotep (Cambridge E.9.1922)〉 / Stele des Montuhotep (Cambridge E.9.1922)), [A.4]
- oraec89-23
(91,2-93,5 = Eb 764-782: Heilmittel gegen Ohrenprobleme, $nssq$-Haarausfall und anderes / Papyrus Ebers), [91,11]
- oraec219-111
(70,1-71,21 = Eb 515-542: "Heilmittel zum Ausheilen von Wunden am Leib" / Papyrus Ebers), [71,17]
- oraec1122-6
(64,5-64,12 = Eb 432-436: Rezepte gegen Bisswunden / Papyrus Ebers), [64,7]
- oraec22-58
([Stelentext] / Nauri-Felsstele), [19]
- oraec6-454
(〈Recto: 〉 Medizinischer Text / Papyrus Berlin P. 3038), [10,9]
- oraec63-52
(Vso 1.1-4.8: Lobrede auf Memphis / pSallier IV = pBM EA 10184 (Miscellanies)), [Vso 4.6]